I have mixed feelings about free movement in IMVU. I'm all for it, but there's absolutely no way the software will cope with it unless they move to 64bit. Honestly, I think IMVU's far too small scale for it as well. There's very few rooms that would even be big enough to support it, especially with people's 10ft "look at me!" avi's. That, or people would abuse it when they get their panties in a twist. But it wouldn't be a bad "nice to have" feature.
I kind of eluded to it already, but the move to 64bit and being able to use more hardware power would be great. They could noticeably improve the graphics and improve load times all in one; win-win. It's the big thing holding back the Classic Client and I have no idea why they haven't made the upgrade, besides incompetence. Or rather, why they haven't created an entirely new 64bit client to the same effect. (I don't think it's technically possible to make the current client into a 64bit program without actually making a new program.)