Red flags

by Falcone · 13 posts
8 months ago in Off Topic
Posted 8 months ago · Author
What is one thing that immediatly turns you off when youre getting to know someone.
For me personally, when the person im dating is texting me in a very dry way.
I understand that you cant be on 100% all the time but you also dont have to give me 10%, i could literally rip out my breast hair everytime someone responds with "k".
Posted 8 months ago
One big red flag I had was that a girl cheated on me because of my height because i was not 6ft which is really messed up because why should that matter you should love a person based off your personailty and not looks but that just me and i get that for other people it is diffrentr but rlly just for something so small you gonna do dumb stuff that rlly does not make any sense because why go the extra mile ot hide everything and cheat on me with someone who is just a couple inches taller then me. like how petty do you have to be. Another is when a girl keeps looking at her phone when you guys are hanging out like talk to me instead of looking at your phone like ik not all the time that is not bad but when it happens for 24 7 it keeps getting annoying like on dates and other stuff like that. Lastly another red flag is when a girl is not letting you look at their phonme like what you got hide it is not important for it not to be seen with my eyes like what, I dont get why girls dont think it is ok that it is fine and they get away with everything that they can get away with
Posted 8 months ago
huge flag is when someone blocks u cuz of how u look they'll love talking to u and whatnot but once u give them ur bta they no longer want to be associated with u no matter how much they liked ur personality.
Last edited by sadEcatgirl on Wed May 22, 2024 4:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 8 months ago · Author
@idk who are u

Hmmm i get that, girls gotta chill a bit with theie standards, all of them want a NBA Center as a boyfriend all of a sudden LOL

-- Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:20 am --


Yeah thats just petty, like if the person was catfishing then yeah i understand that you would block that person for it, but blocking a person just for their looks is just foul, if you dont the looks of somebody you just tell them that their not your type smh.
Posted 8 months ago
Huge red flag is when she keeps telling you how bad her ex is.
And how good she is.
Posted 7 months ago
mine is as soon as it gets rl they begin to just pull away. im no catch for sure but if you cant handle rl your shouldnt try rv . because one will bleed into anouther sooner or later.
Posted 6 months ago
Biggest turn off is passive girls, or really short and dry answers. Not much of a point in Rping if its completely one sided
Posted 6 months ago
Red flags in a relationship are warning signs that may indicate unhealthy or problematic behavior. Here are some common red flags to watch out for:

Lack of Communication: If your partner consistently avoids meaningful conversations or refuses to discuss important issues, it can signal underlying problems.
Controlling Behavior: A partner who tries to control your actions, choices, or relationships with others may be exhibiting toxic behavior.
Lack of Trust: Constant suspicion, jealousy, or accusations without basis can erode trust and signal deeper issues.
Disrespect: Any form of disrespect, including belittling, mocking, or disregarding your feelings and opinions, is a major red flag.
Dishonesty: Frequent lying, secrecy, or hiding important information can undermine the foundation of a healthy relationship.
Lack of Support: A partner who is unsupportive of your goals, ambitions, or personal growth may not be a good match for a long-term relationship.
Neglect or Avoidance: Regularly feeling neglected or like your partner is avoiding spending time with you can indicate disinterest or emotional unavailability.
Unresolved Past Issues: If past relationships or personal issues continually interfere with your current relationship, it can create ongoing problems.
Abusive Behavior: Any form of physical, emotional, or psychological abuse is a significant red flag and should be addressed immediately.
Frequent Criticism: Constant criticism or attempts to undermine your self-esteem are harmful and should not be tolerated.
Different Core Values: Significant differences in core values, beliefs, or life goals can lead to ongoing conflict and dissatisfaction.
Dependency: Excessive dependency on you for emotional support, validation, or decision-making can indicate an unhealthy balance in the relationship.
Posted 6 months ago
Controlling Behavior:
Your partner insists on knowing where you are at all times and gets upset if you don't immediately respond to their texts.
Lack of Respect:
Your partner consistently belittles your opinions, dismisses your feelings, or mocks your interests.
Excessive Jealousy:
Your partner becomes angry or accusatory when you spend time with friends, especially those of the opposite sex, without any reasonable cause.
I want to explain this one: While mild jealousy can be normal, excessive jealousy often points to deeper insecurities and can lead to controlling behavior and trust issues.
Frequent Lying:
Your partner lies about small things and big things alike, making you question their honesty and integrity.
Substance Abuse Issues:
Your partner regularly uses alcohol or drugs to the point where it negatively impacts your relationship and their behavior.
Substance abuse can lead to neglect, financial problems, and abusive behavior. It often requires professional help to address.
I don't know why, but a lot of who I know for some reason use drugs and other shit.

I had just this red flags in my relationships, the biggest one was lying. Hate this more then other.
Posted 6 months ago
A red flag i can give you is someone who isn’t showing that much of an interest at first like you do, simple as that. If your putting in a lot of effort and they’re giving you little to none then trust me, your not the one they want. They just using you to entertain them and be there whenever they’re bored. I been through the cycle plenty of times, so don’t ignore the signs of someone wasting your time.

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