Who tapes over their webcam?

by lotusofblue · 12 posts
6 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 6 years ago
I tape over mine dew to the anxiety of reddit stories ( yea ik) but still. I've always taped over my webcam I've done it since I was old enough to know that Cams can be h4c|<7d and I didn't enjoy the fact, Because I sit in front of my comp nude sometimes :tlaconcerned:. I put a clear peice of scotch tape over it and put a dot on the tape so u can still see me you just can't see my features.
Posted 6 years ago
I always do that. Who knows what kind of stuff they could know about computers, some people would do anything to spy, hehe.
So it's a cheap and wise choise to place a piece of duct tape over the web cam!

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