Can you get introuble for this keep on requesting refund ?

by Michael3235 · 15 posts
6 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 6 years ago
Michael3235 wrote:
Can you get introuble for this keep on requesting refund for credits u buy so you can keep the items for free and to buy more credits with the refund ?

well tell you what from what you wrote you sure made me as a seller not wanna sell anything to you :panda45:
Posted 6 years ago
I definitely agree with Adryan on that point and I am sure the other sellers will think twice before selling to you
Posted 6 years ago
Does IMVU still store pay pal accounts? I had some old charges made to my pay pal, but IMVU did reimburse me for those charges
Posted 6 years ago
Yes you will get in trouble and possible end up getting that way of payment taken away, imvu has removed 3rd party sites from selling credits, don't be that one ass who fucks it up for the rest of us. :tlatakenote: not to mention like other's have stated you will most likely end up banned, meaning your account will be deleted and unretrievable, imvu should start i.p banning. Back in 2011 I got my shit banned and it had a 1000 day ban xD
Posted 6 years ago
Karma comes back 3 times fold, just sayin'

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