Depression and Anxiety

by DeleteEverything · 16 posts
6 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 6 years ago
Agreed! Pills ain't Tha answer

-- Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:35 am --

Posted 6 years ago
When you suffer from depression yes it is good to Meditate to place yourself outside of your body and mind to find that sense of peace. It hard to get to this level as it takes time to train yourself to get there but it is well worth it. Depression does suck and it does have you putting off things that you can do now for tomorrow. But sometimes taking that hobby or what you loev to do and sitting and focusing on it you will find some sense of relief as well as to tone down the anxiety. Sometimes if you cannot find a outlet you will find yourself becoming a Angoraphobic, and that believe me is hard to rebound from I know I have been there and now control the depression and Anxiety with Medication as well as Bio feedback. Always focus your thoughts and don't let them get to wide for you to handle.
Posted 6 years ago
My pills are all prescribed restoril for sleep xanax 2mg 3 times a day for social anxiety, hydrocodone as needed for pain, and lots others, no need to list them all. They are all prescribed and the ones listed above ease the pain. So popping pills does help. I just refer to it in a different method than others, Perhaps others would say try a medication. or I take meds to help with my problems. Regardless all the meds I take is legal. I also find smoking some good green can help relax greatly :) I am a maniac depressive that has post traumatic stress syndrome, I know all to well about how depression is, it's different from everyone. We all feel depressed in different ways, and for different reasons. I also have manic issues to where I can go on super happy highs, then drop to a very depressing lows. The meds help but nothing cure's. I should get more motivated to do things and probably go out more, for me it's hard due to social anxiety. I will stop rambling about my troubles. Just was explain the pop pill comment. ;p
Posted 6 years ago · Author
smykey wrote:
pop pills to kill the pain ;p

I take Citalopram for my nerves/Anxiety and Depression. I'm at 40 mgs i need to go up otherwise I smoke when things just get too bad for me. It's hard fighting myself or when I stay up the whole night until I pass out then wake up dog tired the next day. Or end up sleeping the whole damn day away like I did today.

I takes a l o t of weed for me to act like a "normal" person. IT's easier than online because I can control who I communicate with ._." there's no ignore buttons irl. I finally got to go to a wwe match and by the time i made it through the line and up the stairs to my seat I was about to bust into tears so I went all the way to a concession stand and shotgunned 2 beers. I was perfectly fine until the thing ended.

Don't get me wrong, I don't drink or smoke on a regular basis. I use it in the worse way possible but I mellow out when I'm drunk or high.
Posted 6 years ago
I understand exactly how you feel. When I am in my low state, I stay in bed up to 48 hrs at a time without doing nothing. I have no motivation at all when I am in a manic low. However when I get in a manic high I get very hyper and want to do things I normally do not do. they are not bad things but not best for me either. I tend to go on spending spree's spending money I do not have and so on. I am ok for a week or so but I seem to always get down into a manic low still. I have yet to find a med I can take to purely cure this. I don't know what to do other than cotntinue to take what I am on since it helps me atleast be able to be active and social somewhat. I hope you can get better as well I know how it feels to be in those states and it's not good. If you ever need a friend to talk to you can message me or take me in forum post to chat. I am here everyday. :)
Posted 6 years ago
You are not in the wrong. You are not a burden. You are not pathetic. You gathered so much courage to open up. And you have been trying as hard you can. So, it's okay to let the tears out. Your mother cannot just simply deem whether or not you are suffering from mental illness. That is the role of a professional. Your mother might have gone times that weren't all sunshine or rainbows. But that does not invalidate your struggles.

You seem to be aware of what you are going through. I hope this experience won't deter you from seeking for help again. You might not want to tell other your friends, but you deserve love, care and support too. What would you do if you knew your best friend was going through terrible times alone?

I will also add that many people are here can empathize with this rejection. I remember crying on the bus when my dad told me I was lying. It hurt even more knowing he had seen me cry every night for months. I came to terms that my parents won't understand mental health issues due to their upbringing. It has been two years now since that day I cried on the bus. Things have not magically improved, but I see that my parents are trying to help (although sometimes, it can make things even worse).

Take care :)

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