Random setences

by Fallen · 131 posts
15 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 15 years ago
Your dogs pretty...lol
Posted 15 years ago
I dont bite...hard :twisted:
Posted 15 years ago
two days ago i realised that i have neved touched COW in my life ... its so sad fact and i have to change it soon ...
Posted 15 years ago
I lived in town that was polluting all counties around mine.
Posted 15 years ago
If I would be someone that isn't someone, I would like to kill all someones and become someone. - Me
Posted 15 years ago · Author
A little something inspired by Don and his miss :P

Love that is Love never freezes, for it will keep you warm.
Love that is Love will never burn you, instead it will keep you cool.
Love that is Love, will make you shed tears of joy and tears or sadness, because from Love we born, for Love we live and for Love we die.
Posted 15 years ago
<embed name="dynamite" align="middle" src="http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh70/cybergan38/animacoes/gecko.swf" width="550" height="400" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" wmode="opaque" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain">
Posted 15 years ago
WUHAHHAHAHAHAHA :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil:

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