Sometimes.. Then I really hate imvu.. Why? ->

by LittleToxicMissTox · 16 posts
15 years ago in Off Topic

Has this happened to you?

yes.. :( 92%
Nope :3 8%
Posted 15 years ago
LOLOLOL. Violent my ass. xD
There are skins with blood on it, skins with bruises, eyes with blood in it, hell. There's even floor products where it makes it look like there's a puddle of blood around you. VIOLENTPAWMYASS. </3

Why does it even get taken away anyway? If it passed peer review, leave it alone.
Posted 13 years ago
Some of my favorite things get taken also D:
Posted 13 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
...yeah, I lost half a set of furry claws. They took the left claw and left me with the right. Wth :lol: ! Apparently...the claw had some red on it which looked like blood, so it was too violent.

That is pretty lame. Imvu is supposed to be rated for people 14 and up I thought. What is this country coming to when people think seeing some pixel blood is going to hurt anyone.
Posted 13 years ago
D.M wrote:
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
...yeah, I lost half a set of furry claws. They took the left claw and left me with the right. Wth :lol: ! Apparently...the claw had some red on it which looked like blood, so it was too violent.

That is pretty lame. Imvu is supposed to be rated for people 14 and up I thought. What is this country coming to when people think seeing some pixel blood is going to hurt anyone.

Any video game that contains red blood is auto rated by the ESRB as M for Mature. It has been that way ever since 1994 after mortal kombat came out in 1993, striking up rage from overprotective parents and resulting in the creation of the ESRB. Shortly after, an alternative version of Mortal Kombat was released with browish green blood. Apparently it is more appropriate to cut someone open and find shit than it is to cut someone and find blood. :lol:

IMVU inc just so happens to follow the same rules. I blame the bullshit of the rating system on Fox News brain washing, the legality of idiots being allowed to raise children, and psychiatrists looking for a quick buck.

Posted 13 years ago
Lol, wow. Yeah, there is way too much censorship in America. And we're supposed to be the free country.. :roll:
Posted 12 years ago
That's really sad. I expected something worse than that. To me, that's nothing bad. Usually some products I buy in the catalog are black market poses that some people sneak in, but still get disabled.

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