1.Assassin's Creed : Bortherhood
2.Red Dead Redemption
3.Just Cause 2
4.Call of duty: Modern Warfare 2
5.Fallout New Vegas
6.Fable 3
7.God of War 3
8.Call of Duty: Black ops
9.Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
10.Assassin's Creed 2
11.Dead Rising 2
12.Batman Arkham Asylum
13.Dead Space
14.Fifa 11
15.Mafia II
16.Gta IV
18.Saw II
19.Resident Evil 5
20.Battlefield Bad Company 2
These are my favorite videogames below are the list of my favorite mmos'
2.Blade & Soul
3.Continent of the ninth
5.Genesis A.D.
6.Divine Souls
7.Final Fantasy XIV
8.Dragon Nest
9.S4 league
10.GetAmped 2
11.Star Trek Online
12.Savage 2
13.Cosmic Break
14.Tera online
15.World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
(Some games have not released yet but the trailer looked good so i like them