Imvu cache clean up is nice...

by martinkvam · 30 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago
Rain wrote:
martinkvam wrote:
Hehe, Maybe.

Over 9000..?
What did you do to TheDamnedRain?!?! D:<
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Ummmm, nothing....~ He tries so hard to act innocent ~
Posted 14 years ago
martinkvam wrote:
Ummmm, nothing....~ He tries so hard to act innocent ~

I was asking that "Rain" person o-o
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Posted 14 years ago
Maraten wrote:
martinkvam wrote:
Ummmm, nothing....~ He tries so hard to act innocent ~

I was asking that "Rain" person o-o

I'm not Damned Any more ^.^
God Busted me Out!
-bangs chest and makes a peace sign-
Posted 14 years ago
This batch script performs the same function as clearing your cache. It deletes every cache file, every log file, every log backup file (The .1 .2 .3 etc.. files), and product files left over in the previewer folder.

@echo off
cd %APPDATA%\IMVUClient\ui\profile\Cache
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU Previewer\ProductFiles
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\ProductFiles
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\PixmapCache
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\AssetCache
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\avpics
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
ECHO Y | DEL *.cache*
ECHO Y | DEL *.log*
ECHO Y | DEL *.1*
ECHO Y | DEL *.2*
ECHO Y | DEL *.3*
ECHO Y | DEL *.4*
ECHO Y | DEL *.5*
ECHO Y | DEL *.6*

Copy the code, paste it into an empty notepad and save it as "Clear Imvu Files.bat".
Posted 14 years ago
Where should we saave it?
Posted 14 years ago
D.M wrote:
This batch script performs the same function as clearing your cache. It deletes every cache file, every log file, every log backup file (The .1 .2 .3 etc.. files), and product files left over in the previewer folder.

@echo off
cd %APPDATA%\IMVUClient\ui\profile\Cache
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU Previewer\ProductFiles
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\ProductFiles
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\PixmapCache
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\AssetCache
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\avpics
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
ECHO Y | DEL *.cache*
ECHO Y | DEL *.log*
ECHO Y | DEL *.1*
ECHO Y | DEL *.2*
ECHO Y | DEL *.3*
ECHO Y | DEL *.4*
ECHO Y | DEL *.5*
ECHO Y | DEL *.6*

Copy the code, paste it into an empty notepad and save it as "Clear Imvu Files.bat".

I thought batch files didn't work anymore...
Posted 14 years ago
Ez1o wrote:
D.M wrote:
This batch script performs the same function as clearing your cache. It deletes every cache file, every log file, every log backup file (The .1 .2 .3 etc.. files), and product files left over in the previewer folder.

@echo off
cd %APPDATA%\IMVUClient\ui\profile\Cache
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU Previewer\ProductFiles
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\ProductFiles
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\PixmapCache
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\AssetCache
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
cd %APPDATA%\IMVU\avpics
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
ECHO Y | DEL *.cache*
ECHO Y | DEL *.log*
ECHO Y | DEL *.1*
ECHO Y | DEL *.2*
ECHO Y | DEL *.3*
ECHO Y | DEL *.4*
ECHO Y | DEL *.5*
ECHO Y | DEL *.6*

Copy the code, paste it into an empty notepad and save it as "Clear Imvu Files.bat".

I thought batch files didn't work anymore...

I don't know why you thought that but this one works fine for me still and everyone I've given it to. I have the newest client also v444

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