Posted 13 years ago · Author
Firstly I must say.Do you guys listen to yourselves?xD

Sir Sam wrote:
uhh...Yeah...she's a vampire...I made her one...but never thought she glittered heh...I like the first one, and I think you should totally go out with that look...You know, your own thing..then again I'm a goth so yeah...

That's imvu.I'm not one in real xD and I gotta be superrrr drunk to go out with that look.That means no way.

Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Vampire, "Oh Alex, your veins...they are so deep".

Alex, "So this means I no longer have to spend money on body glitter, right?".


Really though, I wonder if you could use those pics as textures on IMVU.

LOL@the vamp chat.And for the second aren't serious are you?