Worried about getting banned.

by Tezi · 23 posts
7 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 6 years ago
merkakid wrote:
the only thing that I maybe worried about is trigger and still I'm not so worry cause as I were vip I communicate with customer support and they tell me if you have those triggers that would lead to a instant account disabled or "banned" and I was like u gonna just do that to someone after spending so much money on imvu and the was like you know the risks so that is the only thing that prolly had me worried!
Yeah those seems more likely to be a bannable offense than being rude to someone on chat lol. What kind of triggers you mean? Like trigger genitals or? Did they mention what kind of length the ban would be or is it a permanent one?
Posted 6 years ago
If she's dumb enough to report you while using AP 'illegally' in IMVUs sense because they require you to be over 18 to get AP you can counter report her for that. IMVU doesn't require age verify anymore for AP now, I've heard. Plus it would be a first time thing, I'd assume and IMVU doesn't usually ban for a minor thing like just cussing someone out.
Posted 6 years ago

They still ask for proof of age but i believe its for the badge that says age verified, however, you can also purchase AP with credits as well.... and no one wont get banned for cussing someone out, maybe suspended for a couple days but nothing worse than that. They wont ban for having an argument.

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