Im not much of an illusionist fan, especially when its Criss Angel. I just find him too be as fake as David Blain, just another wannabe who dazzels sheep with his little tricks and gimics, I just find it utterly lame and pathetic
Posted 14 years ago
its fake dear all lairs
Posted 14 years ago
catola wrote:
its fake dear all lairs
Yes I know its all fake, just tricks and slight of hand, but it makes it even less of entertainment when so many idiots make show after show about doing it too dumb asses
Posted 14 years ago
Criss Angel used to be like my idol, i loved that guy. i grew out of that lol
he's a great magician, but all of his stuff (except for his stunts) are illusion.
he has vids and shit about it.
Posted 14 years ago
Idk I think both
Posted 14 years ago
LuciannaM wrote:
It's Magillusion!
LOL exactly!!! XD
I think it depends....but i'd hav 2 say both!!! I Love Criss Angel!!!
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