
by Ogochukwu · 31 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago
Gabriela20 wrote:
hmm..i'm not a fan of twilight :))

Because it Sucks xD
Posted 14 years ago
twilight = gay sparkly fairy boys :P
Posted 14 years ago
I have read all the books. Bella did not look anything like how I imagined her....and Edward...dont get me wrong hes kinda hot but he doesnt look as hot as the guy I imagined from reading the books. I thought it was cool that they werent going to burn to crispies when they were out in the sun but I thought it sucked that when they stand in the sun they glitter.
Now that I think about it anymore glitterness and they would have looked relatives of Emma Frost from X-Men lol
I have seen New Moon and it was ok but it was not as good as I had hoped.
I plan on seeing Eclipse when it comes out on RedBox. I read the books I mind as well see the movies to see what else they messed up.
I thought the only characters that were actually perfect or almost perfect descripted/acted characters was James, Victoria and Laurent. Victoria and James DEAD ON!! I thought those were the perfect actors of how I imagined them.
Now they screwed up Victoria by switching the original actors role, giving it to the chick who plays the blind girl in The Village
Posted 14 years ago
I love twilight. Everybody always makes fun of this movie, I have to admit they could have made it a bit better though. I read all of the books and even though I'm not a die hard fan I still like them :)
Posted 13 years ago
sucks and thats the only thing that i can say
Posted 13 years ago
After the popularity of the novel .Twlight movie have done the lot of business in the industry .
The story of the movie is great I like this movie so much.
Posted 13 years ago
Twilight is the Tale of an Emotional Desturbed Teenager that can't decide between Necrophilia(Sparkly a respectable gay man) or Bestiality.(The mutt a respectable gay man)
Posted 13 years ago
Can I watch the movie burn? Would that count? Beyond that, I'd much prefer to sit on a rusty fork pointing upwards for a few hours. It would be less painful (and more productive!) than watching Twilight.
Posted 13 years ago
Never will see it and plan to murder xD the writers to stop a new one! Who with me :D jk I could get sued for this post xD so i'll shut up

But anyone else annoyed by the little fan girls I mean
Who care's if your obessed with this series go watch something else about vampires ;3 for all that think you are actual vampires sorry to say your not :3 alright love you all :D I had fun crushing dreams about Vampires :3

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