What are you thankful for?

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 40 posts
13 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 3 years ago
There are a few things I am thankful for:

My family: An obvious one, but they have been there for me through thick and thin, giving me amazing opportunities and supporting me through my struggles. I know how lucky I am to have a family who is so loving and caring. Now, family could mean anyone like your friends, professors or even your postman. Just know that you do have family, people who love you.

My girlfriend: she has been my rock and I am so thankful for her. About 2 years ago, i didn't believe in all of that true love crap. But now, I can see I was so wrong. True love is out there, waiting for everyone.

The IMVU community: a bit of a corny one, but I have loved talking to people on IMVU and this website is great for social networking too, especially at times like these. I am thankful that there is a place on the web like this. Cheers guys.

So, I guess that's it. Happy (late) Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!
Posted 3 years ago
I’m thankful for being alive and having amazing people around me to help make life a little less ass. The friends I met on IMVU and irl have helped me greatly and have become a huge portion in my everyday cycle. Idk how I would manage without them.
Posted 3 years ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

I'm also grateful for finding true love, man. It's amazing. The feeling of knowing that someone cares for you as much as you care for them. I wish you all the best in your relationship, brother Don. Continue to take care of her and make her happy, and may she do the same for you. And to all, your special someone is out there, they're just waiting for you to find them.

Posted 3 years ago
grateful to life every day
Posted 3 years ago
everything.....as much as my life is a total mess and hell hole to be in....im just thankful that im even alive rn! :tlasmug:
Posted 3 years ago
I am thankful for have an amazing family
Posted 3 years ago
Well I am thankful for the opportunity to live a life I don't deserve. Thankful for this community god has allowed me to join and thankful for not letting my trauma bury me six feet under. I am grateful for my mom and my sanity.
Posted 3 years ago
I’m thankful for a lot of things actually. There’s just so many.

I am thankful for my family for always being so supportive and loving, even when I am at my worst. I’m thankful that I have siblings that look out for me and have the same interests as me! We love watching anime together.
I am thankful that I have been so lucky to survive these several saddening months.
And I am thankful to have amazing friends who keep me accountable and sharpen me to become my best self.

And moreover, thank you for making this post! You’ve reminded me of all the things I have and should be grateful for. Even though this post was originally for Thanksgiving cheer, I thank you for reminding me to appreciate the things I have in my life. <3

I hope that wherever you are that you are healthy and happy. :)
Posted 5 months ago
Man, let me tell you, I'm just thankful for two things: health and big booty women.

First off, health is everything. Being able to get up in the morning without feeling like you got hit by a truck, that's a blessing right there. So I'm all about staying active, eating decent, and just taking care of this body so it can keep on rocking.

But hey, let's talk about big booty women for a sec. I mean, who doesn't appreciate a nice, curvy lady, am I right? There's just something about a woman with some curves that gets the blood pumping, you know? It's like nature's way of saying, "Hey, enjoy the view."

So yeah, health and big booty women, they're both things to be thankful for in this crazy world. Keep 'em both close and life's gonna be alright.
Posted 4 months ago
Simply to being alive

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