Posted 14 years ago
My favorite item off them all. It was on my wish list ever since I made my account! And see what they have done to me I don't care about the freaking credits.. I much rather have my noob killar sign back! I miss it allready
Dear -Name Removed-,
A product in your inventory, '{XO} Noob Killa Sign', has been removed because it was improperly rated in our catalog in accordance with IMVU's Virtual Goods Rating Policy. While we try our best to help content creators rate their products properly, on occasion, a product's rating needs to be changed in order to provide the best experience for IMVU's diverse community.
Please accept our sincerest apology for any trouble this may have caused you. Although your product, '{XO} Noob Killa Sign', has been removed from your inventory, we've already refunded the full purchase price of 670 credits and 113 promotional credits to your account.
For more information about how products are rated, please see IMVU's Virtual Goods Rating Policy.
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Your Friends at IMVU