Funny Things In The IMVU Knowlage Base

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 7 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago · Author
IMVU Knowlage Base:

If after trying to reset your password, you're still unable to gain access, please fill out a Request Support > General Support > I need help with my password, and include:

* The avatar name for the account that was h4c|<7d
* The original email address used to set up the account (If your address has been changed and needs to be restored, we will return the email to the original address you set the account up with and notify you when this is completed)
* The birthdate you used to register the account
* Any information on how this person obtained your password (Someone has to have your password to access your account) Did they ask you for your password? Did you give your password out? Does anyone else share your computer? etc...

"(Someone has to have your password to access your account)"

^^ This made me laugh my ass off. :lol:
Posted 14 years ago
lol :D :D
Posted 14 years ago
Captain obvious saves the day once again xDD :lol:
Posted 13 years ago
I suppose... um... 'technically' they need your password to access your account in a 'normal' fashion... If they admitted that they have security holes and there'd be 'other' methods of hacking an account, then they'd have to accept liability for when it happens for not fixing the holes. At least that' my take on it. Everything on IMVU is about saving their asses when they do their lovely fraudulent business practices.
Posted 13 years ago

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