
by ConsigCody · 7 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic

Do You Think The Illumanti Conspercy Is True

True 67%
Not True 33%
Posted 14 years ago · Author
This has been like a major craze at my school lately and i can harldy find anything about it on google if anyone here knows where to find good info about this conspiracy please put it on here

Thank you,
Consig Cody
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Oh really now well there goes my plans lol how does it go may i ask?
Posted 14 years ago · Author
oh okay and gina is thinking she is god i am bulding a orginaztion on imvu known as NWO i may need to speak with you about it soon
Posted 14 years ago
Ah, The Illuminati, One of my Forte Subjects, Eh?
The Illuminati was a group of people during the 1400's If I am correct, Which felt they were the "Enlightened" Ones. They began officially in the 1400's However, Historians and conspirators alike, Feel that these "Enlightened" Ones directly emerged from the Sumerian "Arian" Race in the B.C's. They were proponents of Science Versus the currently followed Religions. Apparently, The pope ordered them to all be killed, For fear that they would overthrow him. This is where the conspiracies come about, Because due to their pure linkage of inbreeding and their evasive nature, People believe the "Free Mason" Groups were in actuality a Branched off version of The Illuminati. The Illuminati Consists of 13 bloodlines which all link to the Sumerian philosophy of Half - God , Half Human. These gods have been hypothesized to be Reptiles or Aliens. According to conspiracy, The Illuminati currently controls many large corporations, And political offices. Hence the totalitarian rule, The New World Order.

This is just a brief over view from what I am in knowledge of, However the Best site, To find more out would be, "Educate Your Self" .org
Last edited by EQlipse on Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
lol yes Jayceon i know we are aliens XD


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