My life today. (also spam these n00bs)

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 4 posts
16 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 16 years ago · Author
Ok, So I am just searching vids on youtube. Everything is going well. Well, until I likely see the dumbest comment ever posted on youtube. I lol'd for 7 hours. Serious. Lets Spam this idiot. I was just peacefully and mindlessly gonna write something probably stupider in the comment box, but this is a dumb comment and i actually gave it a minus one, then i made a second account just so i could make it minus 2. So lets spam the hell out of this guy. Oh yeah also he's racist. Not that I have anything against racist people.... Im not a racist. But racist people do suck. I hate politics by the way. Right now I am drinking water. I was actually gonna drink some coke but I ran out. I was born Today a few days ago. Actually I am just writing random stuff because my new keyboard feels so comfy on my fingers. Its actually made of real smooth silky fur and its sooooo soft. Also I am trying to be able to write faster. I actually wrote this in 6.6754 seconds. No joke. (not counting the phrase "No joke" or the sidenote explaining the non counting of the phrase. This actually took longer than it took for me to the whole thing I was writing about because I was thinking for about 3 minutes whether I should add this sidenote. Well I did. I actually wrote considerably maybe 3 paragraphs. I dont really feel like checking. I hope I have no typos in this because this is really long. Oh man I forgot to add the pic. (Laughing out Loud) I am a retard, oh well. Heres the pic.

Its the second highlited comment.
Posted 16 years ago
i think that comment was kinda like what me bro would say... hmmm maybe he made that comment... lmao damn tard ass! :lol:
Posted 14 years ago
kem ker escrever por mim ? >:D

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