I want your unwanted Fable 3 DLC codes T_T please?

Sir Saignren
by Sir Saignren · 3 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Any of them in fact... I'll not use more than one of each, but if you're not gonna use them I'll take any, I'll give them out for free too in honor of you. I am in particular need for the LCE codes, and the code from the book(?) Well... a "Crystal Sword" and "Crystal Tattoo Set" ??? IDK, saw it mentioned in a youtube vid, but all those codes were used up already. I have the Gamestop code, and the code from in the game box for myself, but that's it for those.

Please do not post codes in this thread, PM them to me. Please tell me WHAT they are for, and only send me UNUSED codes. Again, if I already have the DLC for that code, I will hang on to it and give it out to someone else for free as well. More power to the players :D

Oh, and if anyone wants Medits in return, I have a bunch, and I'm willing to get rid of them if you want... I think I have over 30k in the bank, so yeah... And... though I am loathe to offer this... I have about 3k real Credits I am willing to spend on these codes too. Medits and Credits ONLY for codes I can use though.

Otherwise, blessed be all, and happy gaming.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
thankyou don, been combing google though, most i find are used already T_T

EDIT & UPDATE: Umm... well... i know there are like... thousands of 'code generators' out there... but I never did trust those people who spam video sites to advertise them... anyone know of one that WORKS please tell me... anyone wanna test a few please be sure your computer is guarded well, or you're on someone else's computer whom you don't mind fucking over with virus/maleware/spyware/whatever else.

EDIT & UPDATE: Below is a list of known DLC packs, and where you can get them (outside of trading or ebay). The ones marked with an asterisk (*) I have. I am still willing to take any unwanted ones even if i do have them simply because they can be traded to others for ones I don't have.

*Any New Game: Potions, Power Suits, Tattoos, Another Dog
*GameStop PreOrder: Inquisitor Sword and Industrial Tattoo
*Villager Maker
GameTraders PreOrder: Channeler Sword and Crystal Tattoo
Official Guide: Clockwork Tattoo Set
The Balverine Order: Shardborne Sword
LCE DLC Pack: Wolfsbane Sword, New Quest, New Region, Boxer Dog, Aurora Outfits
LE Controller: Swirl Tattoo Set
Amazon PreOrder: Champion Hammer and Balance Tattoo
Wal-Mart PreOrder: Absolver Hammer and Dragons Breath Tattoo

PS: Because I'm smart and I want ppl to see this I made it so this is a new post, using the magic of post deletion and copypasta :P Hooah! XD

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