HTML/lframe.B.BGen virus

Nikky Maxim
by Nikky Maxim · 2 posts
13 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Turns out i had a virus , i just noticed it today when i turned on the eset online scanner. Looks like i'll be changing my AVG into eset pretty soon .
What could have caused this virus and could this cause potential problems to my personal items such as jpg files and etc ? Yea well i don't know what this kind of virus is and google didn't give me much luck. Yesterday my computer randomly shut off and my internet connection was messing up , can this steal my paypal info ? or anything? i hope it gets removed but what should i do and what does it do ? oh and before my pc shut off i was visiting this site and imvu forums.
I hope i'm not screwed or that any personal stuff was stolen cause i have very personal stuff >.>

-- Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:05 pm --

Great now a trojan. I hope eset fixes it .
Posted 13 years ago
Well, I doubt you got it from here or the Imvu forums. I haven't seen anything suspicious and I've been on both here and there often over the past few days. Seems to be a common detection with ESET though.

Here's some topics to help you with your problem: ... pic=107633 ... 265079.htm

Bottom line it seems some html/htm files on your computer may or may not have been infected with malicious code. Either edit the files and remove the code if you want to keep the files, you just delete them if they are not important.

Or it could just be a false positive or ESET being over sensitive. I get warnings all the time telling me to run programs in sandbox mode my A/V provides. I always ignore them though.

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