Sign ACTA Petition? :3

by x3vi0l3nt_kissx3 · 5 posts
12 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 12 years ago · Author
So, I'm not sure how many of you cared about the SOPA & PIPA acts, but I know I did :oops:
All of my free music, games, ect. down the drain :|
SOPA isn't being passed anymore, but there's a new act called ACTA.
In all actuallity, it isn't new; since around 2007 they've been planning it. Recently though, it's become more active with 8 out of 11 countries signing.
If you want to read more about it, look here:
If you don't like Wiki:

If you guys could take a minute and sign the petition against ACTA here,
I'd appreciate it :3 It's not much, but its something.
Posted 12 years ago
As I'm not American, I can't do anything to endorse the campaign against this douchebagery.
Posted 12 years ago
As I'm not American, I can't do anything to endorse the campaign against this tomfuckery. :3
Posted 12 years ago
Other countries have and will follow with their own bills just like it eventually if it passes here. I heard it failed though but now there's a new one they're trying to get passed.
Posted 12 years ago
It just needs to ratified by 6 states, and then it gets passed.... basically, there was a signing ceremony in Japan and Japan signed it. And there were other countries, too. I'm pretty sure that most of the countries involved have to sign in order for it to go into effect, but I'm not sure. But in May, we'll know for sure whether or not it'll be the death of the internet as we know it. I'm just sick of higher up dumb ass officials signing and showing their support for ACTA, but then afterwards (probably worried about their public appearances) double back and say that they regret their decision and no longer show support for ACTA! Hell, if that were true, then it just goes to show that no matter where you go, people don't read before they sign! And also, if I'm thinking correct, I believe other countries other than America can sign this petition sense it involves more than one's supposed to be an "international treaty" (Obama bullsh!t when he signed without Congress approval)

-- Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:19 am --

Err...May 2013, there we go!

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