Posted 12 years ago
I found this posted on the IMVU forums and I thought it was interesting. It reminded me of one of my own recent google searches in which I ran a queary on IMVU's groups system and 27/100 of the groups I looked at had disabled owners.
AnakaTarren wrote:I ran some Quick Statistics on disabled buyer last purchases from the past 2 months. There's not enough information to be statistically significant, but it does provide some interesting insights.
Important: Because of I make furniture instead of clothing (as well as some other reasons), most of my buyers, disabled or not, are members and own their names. That also means I get relatively few promo credits overall, generally less than 4%, even on derivation sales.
General Findings
- Even though the vast majority of users who buy my products are members, 64% of users of those disabled who made recent purchases were Guests. 36% were members.
- Disabled Guests spent 77% real credits and 23% promos on their last purchases.
- Disabled Members spent 100% real credits on their last purchases. (That's not a surprise based on how IMVU uses real credits first, if available, which is more likely for members.)
- 30% of all disabled user last purchases were Gifts to other accounts. This was roughly the same whether a Guest or Member.
Based on account number/age:
- 75% of disabling of Member accounts occurred within within 3 months of joining.
- Oddly, disabled Guest accounts had usually been active longer, with about 78% disabled between 3 months and 2 years (with about 1/2 of that segment over 1 year old).
I found the last 2 findings unusual. Perhaps members make a decision about whether to stay more quickly than guests due to their willingness to make a financial investment.