Disabled Accounts Statistics

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 3 posts
12 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 12 years ago · Author
I found this posted on the IMVU forums and I thought it was interesting. It reminded me of one of my own recent google searches in which I ran a queary on IMVU's groups system and 27/100 of the groups I looked at had disabled owners.

AnakaTarren wrote:
I ran some Quick Statistics on disabled buyer last purchases from the past 2 months. There's not enough information to be statistically significant, but it does provide some interesting insights.

Important: Because of I make furniture instead of clothing (as well as some other reasons), most of my buyers, disabled or not, are members and own their names. That also means I get relatively few promo credits overall, generally less than 4%, even on derivation sales.

General Findings

- Even though the vast majority of users who buy my products are members, 64% of users of those disabled who made recent purchases were Guests. 36% were members.

- Disabled Guests spent 77% real credits and 23% promos on their last purchases.

- Disabled Members spent 100% real credits on their last purchases. (That's not a surprise based on how IMVU uses real credits first, if available, which is more likely for members.)

- 30% of all disabled user last purchases were Gifts to other accounts. This was roughly the same whether a Guest or Member.

Based on account number/age:

- 75% of disabling of Member accounts occurred within within 3 months of joining.

- Oddly, disabled Guest accounts had usually been active longer, with about 78% disabled between 3 months and 2 years (with about 1/2 of that segment over 1 year old).

I found the last 2 findings unusual. Perhaps members make a decision about whether to stay more quickly than guests due to their willingness to make a financial investment.
Posted 12 years ago
That sounds weird.... I mean if you pay to have your name, why would people not be more careful not to get banned? Huh.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Hell'sWrath2012 wrote:
That sounds weird.... I mean if you pay to have your name, why would people not be more careful not to get banned? Huh.

People who pay for their name have more features in the client, more ways to get banned. Also, those who own their name are bigger targets for hackers trying to steal accounts and sell them for a quick buck. When an account is reported as stolen and IMVU's security systems detect suspicious activity on the account, it is normally disabled till the real owner shows up and proves that it belongs to them.

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