If you submit a derivable mesh, I think roughly 400 is the cheapest you can make it unless you want to make less than 100cr off each derive, which to be fair, 100cr is not nearly all that much, especially if you're not a pro or popular dev who pulls in multiple sales a day. So making it any lower just really isn't worth it to anyone actually trying to earn money or at least a supply of credits for themselves.
As for deriving someone else's mesh, lots of devs could do with lowering the price, but you have to remember, the person who derives has to start off at the base price the mesh creator chose so unless they want to make zero profit, then they will have to go a bit higher. So they may not always be the person who can dictate how much they want to charge. Of course you get those assholes that just jack up the price hoping to get rich or just resubmit the same product for a higher price or just do a very piss poor job and think they're great (
like spamming the same texture on everything in a room. I see that so much 
For base derivables though, I think 400 is the cheapest a dev should go unless they are willing to make less than a 100cr each time someone buys a product that another person created from their mesh, as I stated above.
All-in-all I think 300 is the cheapest any product can be now (
I know sometimes you see things for 250 or less), I haven't been able to go any lower even when submitting my own meshes. But as I stated above, that would require zero profit for the dev and 100% profit for IMVU (
since they will get the submission fee plus the fee every time someone purchases the product or derivation). I am sure nobody here wants that now do we?