Give Windows more TCP/UDP access {Speeds Up Internet}

by Toyz · 7 posts
12 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 12 years ago · Author
To day I got bored and decided to play around in the windows registry and look for tweaks I can do lol I found a nice little one that is very handy and is a whole 4 line of code

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]

Note: Also make sure to save this as a '.Reg' file!

NOTE: Do not go past '15' if you do most servers will disallow your connections to them

Download Link:
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
That is just for just max inbound connections though, right?

Globe so it effects even flash based from reg the more you expand it the more connection the machine can gather the faster the actual speed I use it on my Windows 7 boot camped
Posted 12 years ago
I asked my friend who taught me everything I know about computers if this would actually work and he replied:

i've heard of that only being a factor if like your transferring a large file to someone or something.

but your upload isn't even fast enough to hit that cap.
when i had FIOS me and [name removed] hit the cap every transfer so I'd have to rar up files to multiple rars.
so windows def limits you but your not hitting the cap with your net.

also I've only ever hit the cap during upload not download

maybe cause TL rars everything anyways so I never noticed

So unless you have really fat internet to where you're hitting these limits, this won't help you.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Ð▪ℳ wrote:
I asked my friend who taught me everything I know about computers if this would actually work and he replied:

i've heard of that only being a factor if like your transferring a large file to someone or something.

but your upload isn't even fast enough to hit that cap.
when i had FIOS me and [name removed] hit the cap every transfer so I'd have to rar up files to multiple rars.
so windows def limits you but your not hitting the cap with your net.

also I've only ever hit the cap during upload not download

maybe cause TL rars everything anyways so I never noticed

So unless you have really fat internet to where you're hitting these limits, this won't help you.

I asked a friend who duel PHD in Engineering for computers anyone can hit the 100TCP/UDP limits even on Dial up its the amount of connections windows makes just do

netstat -a >> c:\ips.txt

Make sure to run CMD in command promt if running windows 7...

This shows you every little connection you've made, connected, etc... It wont peak over 100 connections unless you've changed to allow windows more via the file i changed...

I know this works good and made my windows 7 speeds and connections to server much more reliable and stable. Also on some downloads that allow multi-Connection Download (Bittorrent) work much faster... W/o throtting

The cap he is talking about is on ISP level FIoS has Upload throttler on there servers
Posted 12 years ago
As I stated already, this won't help you if you don't have one of the faster isp plans. If you can already max out your download and upload speed then increasing the connections will not help you.

I have one of the basic cable plans, 2gb/s down and 400kb/s up, it's not much so I can easily use all my download or upload with a single torrent or download. Opening more connections will not help me in the slightest. So unless you have a higher plan, this trick is not for you. The only way you'll get more speed is by stealing a faster WiFi connection or upgrading your isp plan. As I stated in my other post.

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