Posted 12 years ago
My friends finds another one of my friends interesting because they have a naked outfit and she's had it for months it's been taken out of the shop but she still has it and people keep saying she lies and it's fake and everything but it's not , it's not like she has anything special on her account ( i know because i help her with it when she needs help) , and she is going nuts because it usually gets taken out of the shop within 1 week - 2 weeks and taken from everyone and replaced with the spent credits the same day it was taken out of the shop yet she still has it months later so either imvu staff is getting a little lazier or just no paaying any attention to her account right now because a one point she had 3 of them and 2 where taken bu thisone was left and she still has a shirt which can be seen through so it makes her half naked but that's been with her for almost a year and it's making her feel akward when people keep talking to her about it they think she did something tricky to get it and keep it when that's just not even the truth.