finish the story

by toxy · 2 posts
12 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 12 years ago · Author
so this is to pass some time for people one person starts a story and people join into finish a story it doesn't have to be correct spelling or punctuation or gramatically correct as long as people can understand what's going on and how it is going on so they can carry on the story after the beginning of the story people can only post at most 5 lines per post and can't post back to back unlss asking something outside the story or just talking outside of the story just put th question or comment in ( ) , or { } , or [ ] , and either at the beginning of the story or at the end of the story , and to state what someone in the story does put it in - - so people can understand what that means instead of it being all mixed up with the rest of the story like (wrong) so and so ate some cake , so and so (correct) -ate some cake- before i forget after someone says the end and it can't be after only 3 posts but after a max of 12 or 10 posts someone can say end and start a new story and so on and so forth. I guess i'll start the 1st story of hoepfully more to stat.
It was a dark and stormy night when Chris , Jerome , James , Joe , and Jen , walked towards a thought empty house that was said to be haunted by good and demonic spirits when they got to the door they saw it just swing open with some dark smoke in front of them.All of them thought that it was their imagination but Joe asked if they just saw that and everyone said the same thing which was yes.They walked in but Jen walked away the rest had to investigate the house so they wouldn't go ack alone and possibly get injured or worse.
Posted 11 years ago
A demon from the shadows sneaked forth, with the body of a chicken and the head of a goose, it was over eight feet tall, it had long arms but they were scaly like an alligator, the claws were like something from Freddy Kruger, it had a mans face, distorted with needles all over, its legs were that of a horse, and its feet were like a penguins, it sneaked up on Jen, and grabbed her from behind, pulling her into the darkness she let out a scream, before she could say another word, Snap!

Her neck was broken and she was dragged away, to be fed upon by the demon and is brethren, the others Chris, Jerome, James and Joe, heard the scream and ran in the direction, but she was gone, so they decided to split up and find her, which would only lead them to their demise if they weren't careful...

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