
by toxy · 2 posts
12 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Who here believes in the paranormal i don't mean just ghosts , i mean ghosts , ufos , bigfoot , aliens , time travel , and everything else.
I believe in almot all of the paranormal but if I feel something is fake i'll tell you straight up that i think what someone says is true that i think it's fake , and if i tink you faked something i will tell you that straight out 2 because it's how i am i won't sugar coat anything and i won't beat around the bush i'm brutaly honest so don't feel bad if you say something is true and i don't believe you it's just how i feel , and don't get me wrong i'm all into the paranormal and believe basically everything in it because i just do and no one will ever change my mind on if i believe it or not so don't try that and people who say none of it's true i respect what you have to say but i don't feel the same way you ask where my proof is well i ask you where is your proof because us as humans we haven't even traveled our planet fully yet so consider this if we haven't discoverd everything our planet holds than what haven't we discovered or found in our universe and other universes we haven't been able to go far from our universe we haven't even visited other planets for a reason because of us not having that much understanding of our own world or other worlds so we don't even know how to withstand the heat of the sun or the chemichals of jupiter and saturn or the cold of pluto.
Just because people say something we don't understand doesn't mean it isn't true because it may be but not everything is.People ask me if i believe that mothman exists i'll tell anyone yeah because first who has any proof that he/her doesn't exist he/her could exist just like we do but in dense woods and forests to avoid being seen i mostly believe bigfoot , ghosts , and ufos ufos doesn't just mean aliens it means unidentified flying objects aka someone doesn't know what it is , big foot could easily exist in some of these dense woods all over the world because their are caves , woods , and forests over abig part of the world , and we don't know what happens when we die so ghosts could eiter have some unfinished business , need to protect someone or something , or they may be in limbo , or they may just love this place we call home so instead of moving on they stay around to see how things and people are doing and moving on from when the person died.So who else believes.
Posted 11 years ago
There was a time when I was in the ranks of the sceptic. I didn’t believe in the supernatural. I was much younger – I was jaded – I was blinded by my own lack of faith.

Today – as I write this blog I can tell you with absolute truth and conviction – the sceptic in me was wrong. Energies beyond this world do exist. Call them ghosts, spirits, phantoms, apparitions, spectres, or spooks – they are very real.

How do I know?

Because I have experienced manifestations in many haunted locations first hand. I believe in the Supernatural because I have experienced it.

Let me share with you an experience that I had which helped cement my belief…

A number of years ago I performed several successful séances in an incredibly haunted location in Regina Saskatchewan known as “St. Chad’s”. Many of you reading this blog with experience in and around the Queen City will be familiar with the St. Chad’s group of buildings on College Avenue.


The building we were working in during the séances was an old abandoned church. The grounds themselves have gone through many changes. They were once an all girls preparatory school, a convalescence hospital for veterans and in most recent history a psychiatric assessment and treatment facility for troubled youth. Couple that with the building being the scene of a grisly murder in the early 90’s and you have a site filled with energy both positive and negative. I am of the opinion that St.Chad’s is one of Canada’s most haunted places.

The group I was conducting the séances for was a tour group based out of Regina. Each and every year they put together a seasonal ghost tour which gave participants a chance to walk through some of Regina’s most haunted locations to hear a bit of the history and of some of the occurances. The final stop was a session with me in the main church building. The sessions saw many manifestations – and those who were fortunate enough to be present often left shaken by what they had seen. No doubt changed in some way – forever.

On the tour guests were also treated to incredible hors d'oeuvres prepared by an amazing chef I will only refer to as “Pascal”. Pascal had the daunting task of preparing his creations nightly without the aide of heat, electricity, or running water. Pascal often spoke of a presence that he felt in the space he was given to work (one of the attached buildings to the church). He quite jokingly called the presence “Jack”. One night while Pascal was hard at work he took a break to snap photos of the room he was working in. In one of the photos he definitely captured an image of a face in a window. I have seen the picture – but sadly do not have a copy to include in this post.

The nightly séances I held in the church came to a close as October ended and the ghost tour went on hiatus for the year. The organizer took the entire crew responsible for putting the tour together out for lunch at Regina’s Cathedral Free House.

At the end of the meal we wanted to capture the entire group in a photo. We asked one of the servers to take a photo. She was handed a camera. About to snap the photo she was stopped by Pascal.

“Wait! Not everyone is here…”

We looked at him like he was a little crazy – as every last physical person connected with the tour was present.

“JACK! Get in the photo!” He beckoned to the air.

I laughed at Pascal – he was a character and you need to imagine a thick French Canadian accent yelling that last line. Pascal was of course inviting “Jack”, the entity he saw and felt in the cathedral into the photo.

The server snapped a photo and handed the camera back to us. When we looked at the picture – jaws around the table dropped. Pascal went pale – and no one said a word.

This was the image as it was taken…


In the back on the right hand side of the photo you can see yours truly. Beside me is Pascal. The orb in front of him is our good friend “Jack”. The only orb present in the photo appears directly over Pascal’s face. The face of the man who called upon the spirit to join in the photograph.

I spoke with Pascal a few months later – he was a changed man. He told me he always felt that “something” was with him after that day.

I believe in the supernatural – because I have experienced it first hand on countless occasions.

With Halloween just around the corner I am going to take this opportunity to suggest that you too have an experience that is supernatural in nature. Give yourself a chance to believe. Book your own Evening of Paranormal Activity with us today… ... ollege.jpg - The College Building. ... g/jack.jpg - Photo of Jack

By the way if you can see this, this is all bullshit I found on the internet..I don't believe a word of it, but happy reading.

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