3 words/lines a time min

by toxy · 2 posts
12 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 12 years ago · Author
so for entertainment it's for people to pass time type three words 3 lines a time or more can post after yourself but not right after like not a second after but maybe 3 minutes to 6 minutes and it can be the same length or more than your first post no matter what really so it would take tme but be etertaining to you or other people so enjoy this for entertaining and relaxation/relaxing time or thing to do when stressed from lifes problems.
so what's this thing aboutpeople wanting longer school years and less summer or winter , and yet not being less uptight and tense but less anger or stress more polise more people walking into school with a gun or som random weapon like just last thursday someone walked into my school/onto my school with a weapon and was speaking ouside of his mind and acting very crazy where police had to tackle him and nothing happened not the school closing , not that part of the school being closed or locked down even though the weapon was lost and not found so it was still around the school and till may be and that equals some danger.

-- Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:48 pm --

the west coast cat attacked the evil birds

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