World of Warcraft

by DataMine · 6 posts
11 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 11 years ago · Author
I recently got back into playing World of Warcraft after 3 years at the request of a friend. If anyone else here plays or is thinking of playing, you can find me on the Aerie Peak realm. I only have 5 days of total game time but I'm lvl 70 Prot Paladin with Master and Grand Master in Mining and Blacksmithing. I often give away things to new players and I am willing to help people here level or run you through dungeons or whatever you may need. If you're interested, leave me a pm or reply to this thread.

Also, here are some useful addons that I use:

GatherMate 2

    SexyMap is a minimap awesomification mod, supporting:
      Minimap moving, and movement of things like the quest tracker and durability frame.
      Customization of zone text & clock
      Hiding of all buttons attached to the minimap (can be set to be always hidden, or to show on minimap hover)
      Sexy minimap border options, extremely configurable, with several slammin' presets.
      Ping notification
      Mousewheel minimap zoom, and auto zoom-out.
      A HUD overlay for resource gathering, target tracking, and more.

    Bagnon merges all of your bags into three windows: inventory, bank and guild bank. Beyond the basic all-in-one functionality, Bagnon also provides:

      Flash Find searching
      Coloring based on quality, being a quest or unusable item
      Ability to view the inventory & bank of any character, from anywhere *
      Databroker, ItemRack and Wardrobe support
      Highly customizable

Bagnon Scrap

Scrap (Junk Seller)
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Legit server or private?

I play legit. It's fairly cheap to get started. $20 for the starter edition which gives you the original game plus the Burning Crusade expansion and a month of game time. Then it's another $20 for the cataclysm expansion. So only $40 to get 2 expansions and a month of game time. Then just $14.99 once a month if you want to continue playing. Which you can pay for on a month by month basis.

The newest expansion costs more but it is not required right now and I don't have it and I can do mostly everything in the game.

You can also get a 10 day free trial to the cataclysm expansion here:

Also added addons I use the the OP.
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
I play private now.
I played legit for years, but it cost me $30 a month and $30 per month for my girlfriend ... who I paid for of course, so WoW was taking $60 a month out of my pocket.

It's cheaper now. I don't know if you've bought the expansions then before since you've played legit but if you have, then it's only about $30 a month for both of you to play. Otherwise it'll be a 1 time fee of $80 for you both to get the game and upgrade to cataclysm. It sounds pricy but you are paying for 2 accounts, not just one.

I also have never found a Private server that was reliable enough for me or didn't have stupid gimmicks like giving out free items to people for logging in or voting. They always seemed to have things that weren't fully functional or out-of-date. I always wanted a server that was more like retail, making you work for things, having things updated, bug free and functions. I used to be big on the private servers a few years ago, read up a lot on them and even ran my own for a few friends. But they were just always a pain in the ass to run and you either had to rely on others to posts scripts for the dungeons/bosses/content or waiting for pre compiled ones with all those included. But of course since they were technically illegal, they could never get fully up-too-date or make everything work. So in the end, I found retail to be much nicer, especially since it's cheaper now.
Posted 11 years ago
Yeah ... but for someone like me who has multiple jobs and school, I do not have time for retail.
With private, I can be lvl 80 in seconds and farm gold super easy. I want to play as a bad ass, not earn it.
If I am going to spend time earning something, then it is going to be in real life. Games are for fun.

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