
by Amethyst · 3 posts
15 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 15 years ago · Author
l'range and gangsters with connections forums have become available to me. Does this mean that my VIP request has gone through or is it just because I've been posting? Second question, what comes after VIP? How can I rank up further?
Posted 15 years ago
If you can now view the "Gangsters with connections" forum, then you are now VIP.

1) Join our army to view The War Room
2) Join an ally mafia, get permission from your new don, and inform me through pm to get basic h4c|<7r training and view the hacking Forum
3) Excel in your training to become a Mad Scientist and view The Vault where we keep our most prized secrets + advanced hacking
4) post allot in a specific section for a few weeks and request mod training to view the Mod Training Forum
Posted 15 years ago
This is great! Now I want to see your ways for us readers to become more involved! Expect an email later today.

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