hidden products and products in scene

by xREXx · 4 posts
11 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Is it just me or has IMVU made it where if a product is hidden in shop its also hidden in the products scene url? not long ago when id use products in scene all products would show but now it seems to be hidden. cant tell if this is imvus way of saying they try to limit the flag reports against bm or not but if anyone knows of a work around other then looking in my cache folder to capture all products its be very helpful.
Posted 11 years ago
There is the ~removed~ website that you could use to view most hidden products that people are wearing, though I wonder why The Mafia hasn't made a version of their own just yet.

You can also copy the whole url link, post it into a notepad and separate the id's, testing them one by one until you figure out which one is the hidden product id you're looking for. Sometimes the View Products in Scene option doesn't work however, taking you to the main homepage instead. I have no clue what triggers that.

Posted 10 years ago
F.A.T.E. wrote:
There is the website that you could use to view most hidden products that people are wearing, though I wonder why The Mafia hasn't made a version of their own just yet.

I believe we teach people how to do it themselves in the vip section. Viewing hidden outfits is as easy as editing the url, no need for any external programs. Literally takes just a few seconds. But, if the product is hidden from the products in scene page then their viewer wont find it and neither will the url technique. The product pid is not located in the url, so it can be "un hidden" by either method.

The only way around it that I have found is by loading the room then finding the product from your cache files. I have made a tool to make that process a bit easier and quicker but it still requires effort from the user and it really only works for furniture as far as I know. You can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=82&t=9290
Posted 10 years ago
Yeah, work hard to get to the higher ranking, so that I can learn :)

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