New AP System!

by Becki.Btts · 4 posts
10 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 10 years ago · Author
for those of us that have had our AP for longer, it seems like a stupid thing, but what does everyone think of having to "pay" 20k credits and $5 instead of paying 12.99 and receiving 25K credits which is the deal I got. Also apparently going back before I got my IMVU account, a long time member told me they used to allow the now current BM products, such as trigger..yea anyways, and you used to be able to load your own playlists off your media player, or Itunes, what a silly change to make, by a show of hands who wants to see this turned back the way it was?
me...Me...MEEEE!!! :D :shock:
Posted 10 years ago
Amen to that, Don Von.

I got AP but I'm not impressed with it. Anyway, any nice-looking AP clothing item in the catalog won't be seen by other players in a GA room, I think. Furthermore, I'm 19 y.o. and I could not stay for long (getting booted out) in the sex-crazed rooms requiring ages 21+. Pssh! I have to wait 2 more years... ROFL.
Posted 10 years ago
Becki.Btts wrote:
but what does everyone think of having to "pay" 20k credits and $5 instead

If that's all it cost, I would be more willing to repurchase if I ever lost my ap account.

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