As The IMVU Turns!!!

by Becki.Btts · 7 posts
11 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Is it just me, or does IMVU suddenly seem like a backstabbing, soap opera? I have had so many issues with "friends" telling secrets, or hitting on my love as soon as I turned my back, there is no way in hell these ppl act like this in rl, is there? When I am able to pull my Zombified butt away from the addictive trap that is IMVU, outside life seems pretty damn normal, so like I said there is no way all these ppl really act like this, or am I wrong? Any Insites please let me know... :lol:
Posted 11 years ago
Welcome to the IMVU World. I gather you are new to the site. Yes the pixel world is typically filled with drama and not limited to just IMVU. The amenity leads much undesirable traits to be amplified. But you'll soon learn as you meet and filter thru ppl you meet that there are decent folks among. Ive enjoyed meeting very talented folks from across the globe.

I agree with Don that when drama starts delete comes very handy and also the Block feature.
Posted 11 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
When drama starts, my friends list simply shrinks till the drama is gone.

This is a good tactic. I had to do this recently. I don't put up with people who will go AFK in private chat for 2 hours when they were supposed to just be going to the bathroom or getting a drink. Or people that leave a chat without a word and never bother to at least send you a message explaining why.

Then there are the sluts that only talk to you for gifts....nope, goodbye.
Posted 11 years ago
IMHO, most of the players, including myself, behave without inhibitions or with impudence because most of us are playing "behind" our avatars. We tend to view it as a "game" (lots of peeps would disagree with this). Most people play this "game" seriously and vicariously through their avatars, including forging relationships with others. People do get "hurt" when their 'significant other' cheated in game, after seeing lots of drama in the chat rooms. You could also get "hurt" when your account was falsely disabled by IMVU, lol. I like to hop from chat room to room to watch "silly" people interact; it could be entertaining,... be sure to grab a popcorn and a soda/beer. With your guards up, in game, there are posers, pretenders and perverts.
Posted 11 years ago
Gr8bugaly wrote:
IMHO, most of the players, including myself, behave without inhibitions or with impudence because most of us are playing "behind" our avatars. We tend to view it as a "game" (lots of peeps would disagree with this). Most people play this "game" seriously and vicariously through their avatars, including forging relationships with others. People do get "hurt" when their 'significant other' cheated in game, after seeing lots of drama in the chat rooms. You could also get "hurt" when your account was falsely disabled by IMVU, lol. I like to hop from chat room to room to watch "silly" people interact; it could be entertaining,... be sure to grab a popcorn and a soda/beer. With your guards up, in game, there are posers, pretenders and perverts.

Sounds like you enjoy soap operas.
Posted 11 years ago
When I address IMVU as an online social entertainment site as a "game," some people do get upset in chat rooms. To be politically correct, I guess I should say "app," not game, lol. Since the "app" revolves around making friends and chatting, I have no choice but to enjoy the soap operas unfolding in this app/game. I don't have to complete quests and level up my avatar compared to the other games. I could probably engage in some ego-trip by buying cool stuff and nice clothing from the catalog, showing people "how cool and sexy I look," LMAO. If I'm not hanging out with my friends/family IRL, I like watching people and their behaviors, lol. In game, I enjoy watching dimwit avatars and eavesdrop on their conversations, lol.

Furthermore, in game, players tend to act impulsive behind their avatar screen at the comfort of their homes. They think they could do anything they want. They have the nerve to ask people to make out with them. If a player goes to a chat room, and try to test a "yellow dot" on the furniture/floor; if it happens to be a sexual pose, guys/girls, like vultures, would swap into that spot without asking the clueless player - this incident could be viewed as an annoyance or a blessing, depending on that player's perspective, lol. A new chatroom is like a box of chocolates you never know what "yellow dot" you're gonna get. If a player finds any action offensive, that player could retaliate by "attacking" the jerk; however, if the jerk has VIP status, he could block any attacks, lol. However, IRL, that jerk would likely get punched, slapped, and receive the "nutcracker" action, lol. Ouch!

One of my pet peeves is chat cheating, when people I am talking with in chat, are multitasking by opening 2-3 rooms and engaging in multiple chats. When I ask a question, it takes time for that person to reply back, even with a yes or no answer. Either, she is AFK, or a very slooooooooow typist, or most likely chat cheating, lol. It seems unfair and impolite when I'm giving them my undivided attention.

In addition, you could also get "hurt" when some "friends" scam you by getting hold of your account via social engineering. Trust is a relative concept, lol; trust no one completely...

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