Duplicating a layer mask

by DataMine · 4 posts
11 years ago in Photoshop
Posted 11 years ago · Author
This simple tutorial will teach you how to duplicate layer masks. This will allow you to copy a layer mask from one layer to another. For example, you're doing text reflections and want to apply that reflection to multiple text layers without having to manually create a new layer mask for each one.

Step 1: Create the layer mask you wish to duplicate
Step 2: In the Layers palette, Command-click (Mac) or Control-click (Windows) on the thumbnail of the existing layer mask to make a selection of the content of the layer mask.
Step 3: In the Layers palette, click on the layer to which you want to add the layer mask.
Step 4: Click the Add Layer Mask button at the bottom of the Layers palette.


If you would like a much longer version of this tutorial with more tips and pictures, visit this tutorial: http://planetphotoshop.com/creating-and ... -mask.html
Posted 7 years ago
Layer mask if really an awesome trick for quick image cropping and another process. Your tips is great. :)

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