Yeah you like Medits don't cha! Heres how you can win some! Take a picture on IMVU
without editing, keep it within the theme and post below by the deadline.
Sounds Simple Right?!Theme : Pimps and Hoes
Deadline : January 31, 2023.
Prizes: First Place - 10,000 medits
Second Place - 5,000 medits
Thrid Place - 2,500 medits
Judges : Don, Data, & Neka.
(Voluntold much? yea I'll go get in Data's bin lol)
How To Enter
To Upload a picture, click on the Preview button and then the Attachments tab. Click browse and select your file. Push the Add the file button. The screen will refresh once your file is added. Go back to the Attachments tab and now you should see your file listed below the file comment line. Next to your file's name, click on Place Inline.
Last edited by
Andy on Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:39 am, edited 2 times in total.