New Slogan Contest - Prizes

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 25 posts
13 years ago in Contests
Posted 13 years ago · Author
First place: 5k IMVU credits
Second place: 2.5k IMVU credits
All other places: 1,000 mafia credits

As everyone knows, the IMVU Mafias have been part of the IMVU community for about half a decade now. The slogan at the top of our site was sort of a running joke back in the days. You see, back when predits came out, devs use to wine and cry that predits would "ruin the community" and "kill devs"; while everyone who wanted free credtis loved predits. As a comeback to the complaints devs would make about the introduction of predits, We use to say, "predits do not kill devs, the people who use them do". Then we would use our free predits to buy everything we want, just as many of our users do today :P It was sort of a pun off of the slogan, "Guns do not kill people, people who use guns kill people". When the family site was made, it turned into our slogan, "Predits do not kill devs, we do".

As interesting as the source of our slogan is, some good things come to an end. Our slogan no longer holds the same meaning that it use to in the IMVU community. These days, when people come to our site and see the slogan, they instantly assume that we are some sort of evil site for hacking innocent people. Their are even terrible rumors going around that we steal the accounts of our own members, This often scares people away, or just plain attracts the wrong people into our family.

Everyone knows our family values: Knowledge, Love, & Helping Others
Our site was built to protect people from bullies, to help victims get back their compromised accounts, and to increase the flow of free credits in the IMVU community.

Keeping this in mind, what should our new slogan be? Post your comments and answers below.
Posted 13 years ago
Beyond good and evil XD
Posted 13 years ago
The voice of IMVU users .
Posted 13 years ago
The Need of free credits exceeds the needs of IMVU Staff
Posted 13 years ago
We are what You are Looking For IMVU Staff Worst Nitemare
Posted 13 years ago
The place where hackers are users' best friends.
Posted 13 years ago
"IMVU Mafias - Keeping the Family Together"

"Wherever there's opportunity, we'll be there."

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