I ain't giving birth to anything!!!

Alexandra <3
by Alexandra <3 · 34 posts
13 years ago in Casual Dating Tips
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Omg...starting with today I'll have a scar on my mind for all my life.
I just realized that I'm 18 so my youtube account allows me to watch 18+ videos.
And I started by looking at some booty dance videos.[and no I am not interested in seeing booties I'm interested in doing a good booty dance].Somehow I ended up looking at a woman giving birth.
Miracle of life on my ass miracle of disgust!!!I am....WTF did they cut her there a bit so that it can get out???That's what I saw.And it started to bleed all over and after they took out the baby which was extremely dirty SHIT LOAD OF WHITISH YELLOWISH THING CAME OUT FROM INSIDE HER AND SPREAD EVERYWHERE.EWWWWWWWWW.And of course the belly which ended up looking like shit.
I AIN'T DOING THIS!I'll do something nice in my life and adopt a baby when it comes time.LMAO...actually idk maybe in time my opinion will change especially when I "have found the love of my life".But at least atm at this age of 18 I DO NOT WANT TO GIVE BIRTH TO A BABY NEVER!!!!!!!

I do not want to bleed and I certainly don't want shitload of white thing come out of me.And certainly not a belly either.

Posted 13 years ago
They always cut it a bit so the baby wouldn't rip it when coming out also the thing that came out after the baby was the placenta of the baby it always comes out. Birthing is painful but for the fruit of your love you just have to man up and give in to the nature.
Posted 13 years ago
My mom said giving birth to me was more painful than while giving birth to my li'l bro because I was heavier(About 10 KGs I think) and I didn't come out of her belly soon.She said the doc.s were getting ready to operate her so that I can be born but somehow I came to the world in the last minute.But she said that she kinda forgot all the pain or didn't feel any pain once I came out and she saw me and took me in her hands.

I love you mom <3
Posted 13 years ago
Alexandra <3 wrote:
More like give in NOT to the nature.

In time you will understand more and bite your fears. Also did you know that some women have phobias about giving birth ? and they might even a tempt suicide if they got pregnant?
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Nikky Maxim wrote:
Alexandra <3 wrote:
More like give in NOT to the nature.

In time you will understand more and bite your fears. Also did you know that some women have phobias about giving birth ? and they might even a tempt suicide if they got pregnant?

I am not THAT paranoid. :I
Posted 13 years ago
Alexandra <3 wrote:
Nikky Maxim wrote:
Alexandra <3 wrote:
More like give in NOT to the nature.

In time you will understand more and bite your fears. Also did you know that some women have phobias about giving birth ? and they might even a tempt suicide if they got pregnant?

I am not THAT paranoid. :I

By no means am i directing this to you , it's just a interesting phobia that i8 have found. LOL you won't even notice when you will be nursing your own child . It's just youthful fear .
Posted 13 years ago
HAHAHAHA jon you are biggest baby that ever born. I had 2.5Kg which is small but i born month before. While my sister was fat and hairy creature e.e. I spoke with many womans while they were pregnant and after it. Most womans dont get cut but its a lot better cos then its less pain or even no pain. Some born triples in ten mins while other one baby for few hours. It all depend on way woman is. And after being pregnant haha so many things change. Scar dont last long its very interesting but woman heal a lot faster then guy would. And what made me interested most was how it affect woman body and mind. From skin changing completly to extremly soft smooth gentille clean one to insane mood swings. But baby limits to many things in person life so its better to get it latter for me personaly.
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Nikky Maxim wrote:
Alexandra <3 wrote:
Nikky Maxim wrote:
In time you will understand more and bite your fears. Also did you know that some women have phobias about giving birth ? and they might even a tempt suicide if they got pregnant?

I am not THAT paranoid. :I

By no means am i directing this to you , it's just a interesting phobia that i8 have found. LOL you won't even notice when you will be nursing your own child . It's just youthful fear .

It is not a youthful fear.I was fine with it until I saw that.
Posted 13 years ago
hahaha this is so funny. Best time for woman to have baby is around 30. Like at 25 she is very easy to get pregnant haha its very funny how male sexual peak is at 18 while for woman 35 haha and they dare to say we are more mature then guys. Well you aint you just think differently guys have two minds and if you let other mind do thinking you end up in 'bad things' haha when woman body is developed it can supply baby best way so pregnant at 18 is not good. differently guys have two minds and if you let other mind do thinking you end up in 'bad things' haha when woman body is developed it can supply baby best way so pregnant at 18 is not good.

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