As of today, Squad 6 is recruiting new members. Squad 6 is currently one of the two most active squads in our army, we happen to have a few spare places so, if you want to earn respect and you are wishing to be helpful and useful, here's your chance! Of course I cannot let just anyone join; I do have some basic requirements.
1) Have a minimum of 40 posts.
2) Have at the very least a 1 month membership on here.
3) Show me your desire to learn and help. That can be done in various ways.
I may ignore some of the requirements depending on a good reason.
If I see someone skillful enough with either graphics or coding for example, I can easily make an exception.
1) Q: What does the squad/army do?
A: We have fun waging cyber war on our enemies. (Lots of large scale practical jokes, contests, and just plain fun for the sake of lulz...while at the same time helping the family towards increasing the flow of free credits.) {Answered by Don Von Free Credits}
2) Q: What will happen if I suddenly lose all of my activity here?
A: You will be informed with a friendly PM and you'll be fired from the squad only if you have not replied within 10 days. {That's in the case of my squad, other squad leaders think differently}
[This list will get bigger as people ask more questions.]
Last edited by
Don Von Alpha Dom on Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:27 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Needed to change the topic type to "Announcement".