10 Tell tail signs u r gay...

by McChocolate · 29 posts
14 years ago in Casual Dating Tips
Posted 13 years ago
enea123 wrote:
No i hate gay people but if you are or if anyone else is gay on the family i wouldn't hate him but the other yeah i guess.(The other=People not in the family)

~raises an eyebrow~

My mother is gay.

Why do you hate my mother?
Posted 13 years ago
...Ok ok i don't hate gay people @_@<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nerd rage
Posted 13 years ago

~eats a cookie~


I'm bi, my wife's bi, my brother's bi, my Padrino's bi.

Posted 13 years ago
That list is inaccurate. AND, you'd have to be a man to know about those things. You're a man! AHA!
Posted 13 years ago
1. That's not something I consider attractive.
2. Mhm, I won't disagree to that.
3. I don't like rainbows all that much, apart from the times I am trying to design something colorful.
4. Nope.
5. Yes, I say it more gently though.
6. No.
7. . . .
8. Done it a few times, since I had nothing better to do.
9. Depending on my mood.
10. I haven't lost my virginity, yet.

Posted 13 years ago
http://ezinearticles.com/?Burning-Plast ... id=3688461

Burning plastic makes you gay. But what if you were already gay? Would it make you straight then? ...But what if you were bisexual? Hmm..
As far as hating gay people go... I only hate the type that use being gay as a crutch to bitch if things don't go their way. EG: they didn't get a job, and they sue because it 'must' have been simply because they were gay, not because they picked someone with better qualifications. But in that case it's not really hating the person, it's hating the behavior. Honestly, that kind of behavior should even offend other gay people since they're really abusing it more than they are 'proud' of it.
Posted 13 years ago
I'm shocked and dissapointed you would put something like this up.
Posted 12 years ago
I have maybe 2 or 3 of those..I have no problem with gay people everyone is equal and desserves to live life on their own terms and be satisfied.

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