Beware of Mods

by absynthian · 79 posts
14 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 13 years ago
I received a warning for supposedly accusing IMVU of doing illegal things... in a thread that had about 12 other posts that were saying the exact same thing as I said. When I fought the warning, I pointed out the other posts and then and ONLY then did the mod remove the posts from other people too. I guess if you're not a brown noser, you're bait to get banned if you say anything bad. But the brownnosing loyalists go unpunished eh?
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Where was the thread? I'm so fed up with mods being selective. I've been warned for just saying hi to the person above me and then commenting.....while the big guys get away with anything. :(
Posted 13 years ago
I forgot what the thread was unfortunately. It was several months ago. But it was about the whole 'price experiment' crap. I called it a scam, in spite of 12+ other people in the thread also calling it a scam, and my post gets deleted and I got an official warning. In case you don't know which 'price experiment' I speak of, IMVU conducted an experiment where accounts would randomly see upwards of 10 times the actual cost of items in the catalog.
Posted 13 years ago
Tymon wrote:
I forgot what the thread was unfortunately. It was several months ago. But it was about the whole 'price experiment' crap. I called it a scam, in spite of 12+ other people in the thread also calling it a scam, and my post gets deleted and I got an official warning. In case you don't know which 'price experiment' I speak of, IMVU conducted an experiment where accounts would randomly see upwards of 10 times the actual cost of items in the catalog.

That was a terrible scam where random users were charged higher prices than everyone else, just to see if the avrage user would be will to pay more. It was just IMVU inc testing how far they could push our wallets without breaking them.
Posted 13 years ago
Yeah. But apparently calling it a 'scam' was against the rules. in spite of the fact that the thread I posted in, about 12 or more people already called it a scam prior to me. Yet I get the warning? I pretty much responded to the mod, and I told her flat out, If you are going to issue me a warning, when I'm saying what these 12 other people are saying, then you damn well better delete their posts and warn them too. She refused to do so, and I sent a message to her yet again, 'politely' requesting that she either reverse my warning then, or delete the other posts and issue them warnings, or I'll have to take the issue up with the BBB. At that point she then deleted the other posts. I don't know if she 'warned' them or not though. But I have to admit, I found it sort of amusing overall.
Posted 13 years ago · Author
I remember that thread very well. Talk about brass balls. IMVU has them. Screwing everyone over in quest of the almighty buck. Now it's the previewer saying bye-bye.

Mods are quite selective and pick on the same ones over and over where blatant creeps continue to post and not get booted off or posts removed. I know, I've been in the position and even had to ask what 'cheerleading' I supposedly did, because the removed the post. How many flipping people say, 'yeah, I agree, woot' and don't have posts removed? The next thing on the agenda here should be how to crack the new CM.

Don't ever say anything negative about IMVU in the speech not allowed! Bad! Slap, slap!
Posted 13 years ago
Screw create mode. see if we can [censored] the previewer and let it [censored]. OR, let create mode switch [censored] like previewer currently can with [censored]. it'll be nice to be able to use my now useless music items that I made to DJ in clubs and stuff on IMVU for something that isn't useless.

Edit by DVFC: please keep information about VIP methods in the VIP section, away from the eyes of IMVU inc
Posted 13 years ago
I was and thinking about it again being a Dev I was taken down when I was giving out all of my shit for free I did request I believe that if your a Dev do it for the fun not the credits my account was spammed and trashed by other Dev around the time the Family was getting attacked. told that what I was doing was wrong and that I was just encouraging these "Brats,"

Then a few of the male Dev found out I am gay (I dont hid this why should I) and h4c|<7d me I was able to gain back control but have over 41 hours of work destroyed.

At the time I was 16 or so and vary unstable and Dev was how I dealt with the world, but I tryed hard to let be.

Till one mod found out through a chat I was gay (male) he banned me on all three Ips I used. My joy and love my escape at the time was taken from me. I felt so.... hurt and angry Why was I being attacked all I wanted was to give my joy to others. Why did who I like have to come in to this?

I left IMVU till about a few mouths ago when a friend begged me to come back... I told her I would come back if I could find away to protect my self. After about a few hours of searching I found you guys thank you.
Posted 13 years ago · Author
That totally sucks. IMVU has throngs of cliques and if you aren't in one of them or are different in their eyes (i.e. gay/lesbian/bi/trans) they'll hunt you down. It's lousy. Well, I'm glad you found us. :)

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