Posted 13 years ago
I just wanted to say, thanks for creating this site. I know this is an entirely off topic post(Which is why it's here!), but really... Considering all the constant bullshit that IMVU puts us through day in, and day out, and all the hard work that you all put into fighting back...I don't think I've seen anyone really formally thank you for all of your work. You're doing it for the people that they harm with their reckless, selfish, and otherwise entirely callous money grubbing behavior, not necessarily to be flagrantly malicious. That's the theme I've noticed with the behavior you all exhibit. I mean, when you really think about it... You're all almost like batman. You're misunderstood, and disliked by some people (Including the 'law enforcement people' on IMVU), but it's because they don't understand your motivations are to help those that were harmed. However, in reality, I don't think this family would exist without all of the shit that IMVU has pulled, so a part of me is actually somewhat thankful and grateful for that, in spite of the outrage from their actions. Either way... Really, thank you all for all of your efforts.