Hey there.

by bakufu_dog · 3 posts
13 years ago in Introductions
Posted 13 years ago · Author
I've been a member of this syndicate and just now noticed this section. Hi, my name is bakufu_dog, and I've been a proud supporter of Anonymous and Unbiased Internet for about 10 years now. I dabble in piracy and am fairly handy with HTML and CSS stuff, but nothing compared to some of yinz, I'm sure. What I am good with is Photoshop and Graphics Design. If any of yinz ever need anything like that done, lemme know. Eventually, I'd like to figure out how to become a Dev on IMVU without giving those a-holes any money they don't deserve. If you ask me, they should pay YOU to be a Dev. I hate their nickle and dime schemes, and miss the good old days where you could get 50 credits just for looking at new products. I figure AOL and Yahoo don't charge money for their stuff, and they have some pretty advanced features, why should IMVU? But that's why I'm here, I wanna stick it to `em, and learn how to get a little something for myself in the process. 48 hours, and I already learned a few tricks. You guys are awesome.
Posted 13 years ago
Hello, welcome to the forums, it's good to know that the site has helped you out. Please try to stay active.

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