How to Create Creases On Clothing [VDO]

by lStrayCatl · 6 posts
13 years ago in Photoshop
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Hey everybody! ^.^
I know this is an SL tutorial, not IMVU.. but the methods for creating creases and shadows are exactly the same on IMVU UV maps as well.. i found it very helpful when I was learning creasing.
There isn't any voice instruction in it but I think the tools can be understood very easily without that as well. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask me. I'll be glad to help around :)

Posted 13 years ago
Good find. Very usefull. Thanks for this ^^
Posted 13 years ago
This is not helpful at all. All he/she is showing off what he/she knows. It's not even close to being a tutorial.
Posted 13 years ago
lStrayCatl wrote:
Hey everybody! ^.^
I know this is an SL tutorial, not IMVU.. but the methods for creating creases and shadows are exactly the same on IMVU UV maps as well.. i found it very helpful when I was learning creasing.
There isn't any voice instruction in it but I think the tools can be understood very easily without that as well. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask me. I'll be glad to help around :)


Nice, yes thats exactly how wrinkles are made using gimp. although this i consider a tut in a my own way because ikno gimp real well so i kno all the tools ur using to do this by looking. on the otherhand. this is not helpful to the people who are fairly new with gimp and dont know witch tools to use, or even understand what u are doing. so in the future to make it easy on everyone. just point out step by step what u are doin. :)
Posted 13 years ago
LOL Bulldog, the person in the video is not using gimp. He/She is using photoshop rofl
Posted 13 years ago
Error 404 wrote:
LOL Bulldog, the person in the video is not using gimp. He/She is using photoshop rofl

LMAO ur right. i didnt even realize it.. i thought she was using gimp because of the way she was making the wrinkles. lol. but yeah for photoshop, just use burn and dodge tool to make wrinkles..

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