Places To Go On An Online Date

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 53 posts
13 years ago in Casual Dating Tips
Posted 13 years ago
<.< dont get off topic "NAKED CAM SHOWS". . . Well i never had online date so sure not relationship nor i could see it working cos having someone near your self and far is very different and that is something i know cos mostly i was far from my gfs. But if i would like someone like alex lets say for example i would not be able to stay online and far from her. O.o
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Club Penguin might be good for the younger crowd.

Visiting an astrology or quiz site is always good for some entertainment on an online date.

You can always take your date out for a joint trolling session. Example, go to a social network for moms. One of you pretend to be a child and the other a the child's mother. Give the child a really foul mouth and have the mother black mail the child with intergalactic information from their home planet. You can get really crazy and turn the troll into a damn soap Oprah if you play it right.
Posted 13 years ago
Alexandra <3 wrote:
Nikky Maxim wrote:
As many of you know i am in a online relationship and i was in one for a year and 3 months . I like it better than real relationships because i prefer it like that . but me and my fiance are planning on living together next year and i am working to make that happen . Actually this is a real relationship as i feel happy when talking to him and i like knowing that he is always with me. i give him my full trust and i find nothing weird in that.

Hmm...good luck with that!If you manage to meet him in real you'll prove me that I am wrong.
Cuz honestly after having TWO failed online relationships I seriously no longer think people can meet in real through internet.
And how can you say it's better this way than in real?You can't kiss you can hug you can't do anything touchable that can give you other feelings than those butterflies in the stomach you have when you speak to your loved one.There is so much more to explore when you're face to face with the loved one.
Honestly but this is just my opinion over online relationships is that they totally suck and they're completely pointless and a complete lose of time.
But that has nothing to do regarding you and your fiance.So good luck with it.You'd be the first person who can prove I'm wrong. :razz:
There are lots of boys and girls in your city.Why bother with an online date?I proved it to myself that it's a lose of time.

The end.

I have issues with real life people when i see a person in real i can not express myself the way i can online. I gave up on real relationships a long time ago. Yes i can't kiss him or hug him but i can imagine it and it is good enough for me . Love isn't having someone near you all the time love is knowing that the person you desire is all you ever wanted.
Me and him had some bad times but we fought through them.
I can't date the guys in my town due to the fact that most of them are immature pricks . The guys here have no moral codes and only need somone to fuck .
Saying that a online relationship always fails is plain silly . Just because your's failed does not mean that everyone elses does too.
I have met my fiance a year and 4 months ago on a online chat site and me and him talked a lot and found that we have a lot in common . We roleplayed together and slowly our friendship grew to love . We were both out of bad relationships but together we felt happy and truely we do plan on spending our lifes together . At first we were chatting on that site later i got his number and now we text almost every minute of the time me and him talk all the time. Also him being bipolar he did hurt me several times but it never made us go apart in fact it made us stronger.
Also i o not like white guys and most of the white race in general so i have no other choice but to date online :P
we are not planning on seperating anytime soon and you will see the little baby that we will have .
Me being slithly agoraphobic and having social phobia i can not just walk outside and say "hey i'm single come and get me ! "
Nope i am a complicated person and i prefer to sit at my home and avoid people in real . I have massive trust issues so i can not function normally in society .
He will come here next year at summer and i will take pics to proove it to you non believer.
Please respect my opinion as i do yours and please do not bash on my relationship as it makes me happy and i feel good with him .
Thank you.
Posted 13 years ago
Nikky Maxim wrote:
I have issues with real life people when i see a person in real i can not express myself the way i can online. I gave up on real relationships a long time ago. Yes i can't kiss him or hug him but i can imagine it and it is good enough for me . Love isn't having someone near you all the time love is knowing that the person you desire is all you ever wanted.
Me and him had some bad times but we fought through them.
I can't date the guys in my town due to the fact that most of them are immature pricks . The guys here have no moral codes and only need somone to fuck .
Saying that a online relationship always fails is plain silly . Just because your's failed does not mean that everyone elses does too.
I have met my fiance a year and 4 months ago on a online chat site and me and him talked a lot and found that we have a lot in common . We roleplayed together and slowly our friendship grew to love . We were both out of bad relationships but together we felt happy and truely we do plan on spending our lifes together . At first we were chatting on that site later i got his number and now we text almost every minute of the time me and him talk all the time. Also him being bipolar he did hurt me several times but it never made us go apart in fact it made us stronger.
Also i o not like white guys and most of the white race in general so i have no other choice but to date online :P
we are not planning on seperating anytime soon and you will see the little baby that we will have .
Me being slithly agoraphobic and having social phobia i can not just walk outside and say "hey i'm single come and get me ! "
Nope i am a complicated person and i prefer to sit at my home and avoid people in real . I have massive trust issues so i can not function normally in society .
He will come here next year at summer and i will take pics to proove it to you non believer.
Please respect my opinion as i do yours and please do not bash on my relationship as it makes me happy and i feel good with him .
Thank you.

That is really nice nikky.And I had no intention to bash on your relationship as I mentioned above that what I say has NOTHING to do with your relationship and I wish you the best luck with that.Probally it will work out considering your reasons.

Posted 13 years ago
Well i onyl said that because a lot of people think that online relationships fail so they make fun of those that are in one .
P.S i have been in online relationships since 12 so i know that some fail .
I have trust issues due to being in a real relationship for 11 months all i got was heartbreak emotional probloms psichologist visits almost got pregnant etc .
The guy that i dated i could kiss him i could hug him but i get too attached to a person so when he had to go to another town to a hospital because of his eye probloms he cheated on me with a girl that was younger than me I was 15 at the time . He cheated on me with her and all he told me while we were talking on the phone that she was picking on him when it was completely the opposite . So this is why i do not date guys irl anymore i got burned badly .
Aslso he got that girl pregnant and she had to have a abortion . And i always believed that he loved me . :roll:
Posted 13 years ago
Nikky Maxim wrote:
Well i onyl said that because a lot of people think that online relationships fail so they make fun of those that are in one .
P.S i have been in online relationships since 12 so i know that some fail .
I have trust issues due to being in a real relationship for 11 months all i got was heartbreak emotional probloms psichologist visits almost got pregnant etc .
The guy that i dated i could kiss him i could hug him but i get too attached to a person so when he had to go to another town to a hospital because of his eye probloms he cheated on me with a girl that was younger than me I was 15 at the time . He cheated on me with her and all he told me while we were talking on the phone that she was picking on him when it was completely the opposite . So this is why i do not date guys irl anymore i got burned badly .
Aslso he got that girl pregnant and she had to have a abortion . And i always believed that he loved me . :roll:

That's why there exists "Never judge a person before knowing her/him".
Posted 13 years ago
C'mmon people,you know your negatives so you can always work on it and be better instead of going on with the notion "This is what I am,I was born this way and I will not change for anybody even though it's better for me".

Back to the topic:-

Don,I say a cam chat is the best :3
Posted 13 years ago · Author
JonXRulz wrote:
C'mmon people,you know your negatives so you can always work on it and be better instead of going on with the notion "This is what I am,I was born this way and I will not change for anybody even though it's better for me".

Back to the topic:-

Don,I say a cam chat is the best :3

My current girlfriend does not have a cam and she refusses to let me give her one.
Posted 13 years ago
e.e finaly someone speaking about cam shows. Jon do you have cam *wink wink*

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