-->Lollirot's "lost" tutorials and resources<--

by Nox · 18 posts
13 years ago in Graphics Design
Posted 13 years ago · Author
The follow are links to, or posted tutorials and resources Lollirot once had up. We all know what kind of person she is so she took them all down due to "thieving". A direct quote from her: "Drawing the SAME (shine) stroke for stroke as me COUNTS AS THEFT. " <-- bullshit. Then dont post tutorials I say..
"Imitation is the fondest form of flattery." & everyone does this or will have this done to them. Accept it. Move on. :roll:

Lollirot's Eye Tutorial 1

"1. Open a 256px by 256px Transparent or White BG Canvas. Either is fine. Set your foreground color to red. Leave the BG color white. Produce a Filter>Render>Clouds. CTRL + F until you like your clouds. [I suggest trying to reach a 50/50 red to white ratio.]

2. Pull a Filter>Sharpen>Sharpen. Twice. Now Filter>Texture>Stained Glass. Cell Size: 5. Border Thickness: 1. Play with Light as liked. I use 3.

3. Now Filter>Blur>Radial Blur. Blur Method at Zoom. Quality at Best. Amount is up to you. PLay with it. I will use 70 for this tutorial.

4. Now do a Image>Adjustments>Invert. Your image should now be a lovely blue and black. I find this a simple color to re-color in the future.

5. Take your Elliptical Marquee Tool. Put your Crosshair Curser at the Top Left Corner. Holding SHIFT, drag to the Bottom Right Corner. Your circle will stay perfect shape as you go.

6. Now do a Select>Inverse. Then hit Delete. Aka Backspace. You should have a perfect circle cut out.

7. Now go to Edit>Transform>Scale. I suggest a 50% width and height change. Yes it looks small. It is a correct size though. THIS IS UP TO YOU. Make it the size you like. For this tutorial we stick to 50/50.

8. Now Create a New Layer. Then take your Brush tool. Select a basic hard brush and set the size to 60 for now. Again this is another item that size is up to you in the future. Just click anywhere on the canvas to make a circle. Then click select and then all. Now Edit and Copy. You may now delete this layer. Then edit and paste. The circle will now appear perfectly center on your canvas as a pupil.

9. Now give this layer a Filter>Blur>Guassian Blur. 4.0 is a good size. Puples are NOT solid. Stop leaving big, black, solid ugly pupils in your dang eyes..."

Lollirot's Eye Tutorial 2

"1. Open your hair file. I dont suggest anything over 256X256 canvas.

2. Now I add some shine work before I do the next step. You can skip this if you want. Since shine can be easier after. Select: Filter>Distor>Polar Coordinates. Leave the settings as they are and press OK.

3. Resize and shape. Add pupil like in first tutorial. Add shine and gloss. Poof. Eyes."

Her eyeball base she "removed" due to theft? (Werent we supposed to use this? xD )


Frankly I dont like it. It's just a gradient. I prefer to use this: http://www.mediafire.com/?8synxat7cx5sxdx It's a .psd file that's easily understandable without directions. I downloaded it and clicked through the layers, watched what the layer modes did and so forth.

PVC tutorial!!!!!!

http://theloveshackapcatalog.tripod.com/tutorialconnector/id33.html What everyone has been wondering how she does. (Or people ask how to do in general.) You'll /facepalm once you realize how easy it is to do latex and PVC. ..think eye shine...but on clothes...

Fishnet tutorial


Pretty simple really. Btw, scanlines are invaulable for woven clothing textures. I'll post a tutorial of my own on this later.

Hair texture tutorial

http://theloveshackapcatalog.tripod.com/tutorialconnector/id30.html This one is more on how to get fringed tips and what not. There is a less cartoony way to go about this but again... another tutorial for another time.

Eyeliner Instant


Lipshine Tutorial


Lip Enhancing Tutorial


Color Fix Tutorial


Glitter Dusted Skin


Skin Enhancement Tutorial


Let me know if any of that isn't accessible and I will repost the images and text as I have them all saved to my computer. :bun:
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Yes, Lollirot is an overpricing bitch.

Thanks for the tut's and graphics.

Lol. I just think her attitude sucks ass. There is absolutely NO reason to be that stuck up. Especially since there are loads of people out there that do far better work. Out of morbid curiosity I tracked her "Lollirot" name across the net and found her VampireFreaks.com account. She even posts THERE that she is a "Pro developer for IMVU" as her "career". Dont get me wrong, people can live off of it but... dont gloat about it. It's not like you're Donald Trump.

http://vampirefreaks.com/LollirotAngel#about In case you wanted to see. Lol.

@ Wilkes: No problem. ;) Wait till you see the tutorials I write. Very interesting stuff I keep tucked away. My first one is an alternative method to skin enhancing that DOESNT leave you all orange. xD Its a modded technique from my photography retouching days. (Not the "duplicate the photo, gaussian blur, then mask over" lame kind either.) haha.
Posted 12 years ago
thanks, the eyeliner especially was helpful. i always have issues with setting the eyes up correct.

Иø✖ wrote:
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Yes, Lollirot is an overpricing bitch.

Thanks for the tut's and graphics.

Lol. I just think her attitude sucks ass. There is absolutely NO reason to be that stuck up. Especially since there are loads of people out there that do far better work. Out of morbid curiosity I tracked her "Lollirot" name across the net and found her VampireFreaks.com account. She even posts THERE that she is a "Pro developer for IMVU" as her "career". Dont get me wrong, people can live off of it but... dont gloat about it. It's not like you're Donald Trump.

http://vampirefreaks.com/LollirotAngel#about In case you wanted to see. Lol.

@ Wilkes: No problem. ;) Wait till you see the tutorials I write. Very interesting stuff I keep tucked away. My first one is an alternative method to skin enhancing that DOESNT leave you all orange. xD Its a modded technique from my photography retouching days. (Not the "duplicate the photo, gaussian blur, then mask over" lame kind either.) haha.

its funny how shes posting so many pictures of herself on that website and yet all of them are edited. i really want to see an unedited photo. but ... she needs to get a serious life, the real world wont accept her fake online one when it finally crashes.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Oh wow, this overpricing dev is still around?
She charged like half a mill for a skin last I checked.... :roll:

Yes. For awhile she did a live stream of her webcam where you could go and watch her text on her phone and eat chocolate popsicles until 1am. Lol. It popped up on my facebook feed and like a train wreck, I couldn't keep from clicking the link. Needless to say I closed out and re-checked the 'excitement' before I went to bed. Nothing had changed, she just looked well... like a train wreck.
Posted 12 years ago
Иø✖ wrote:
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Oh wow, this overpricing dev is still around?
She charged like half a mill for a skin last I checked.... :roll:
where you could go and watch her text on her phone and eat chocolate popsicles until 1am.

Why the fuck would you watch that?
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Ð▪ℳ wrote:
Иø✖ wrote:
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Oh wow, this overpricing dev is still around?
She charged like half a mill for a skin last I checked.... :roll:
where you could go and watch her text on her phone and eat chocolate popsicles until 1am.

Why the fuck would you watch that?

Lol, it's like one of those channels you've never watched before so you don't know what's going to be on it. You select it and something uninteresting is on, but you wait it out thinking it *might* improve, only to be sorely disappointed.

And I only made the mistake once. Besides, it was all "Come watch my awesomeness" kind of post. Sort of like a duel request. I had to see proof of this awesomeness.

What a let down.

Posted 12 years ago
I don't understand why she go live just to do that. I mean why would she think people would watch it?

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