Keep laptop from overheating?

General Tony
by General Tony · 31 posts
12 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Ð▪ℳ wrote:
Ah, I didn't see the Celsius symbol when I read your post.

No problem.

So here are my stats, when the laptop is doing nothing (except startup files ofc).


For testing, after 20 minutes of Skyrim being played by my brother on middle quality graphics (CPU about 31-33%), the "Kern #0 was on about 72°C.
Also you see that the Tj. Max is at 105°C, but I did not in any way set that. It was like this from start.

However what does this mean for my laptop in general?
Posted 12 years ago
105c for a Tj. Max, that's unusual. Every cpu I've seen has had roughly 80-90 as the max, I thought that was standard.

Anyway, laptop are always going to run hotter than a desktop so that's nothing to be alarmed about, however, 51c idle @ 1.5Ghz is something I would want to get looked at. If you were running an i5 @ like 3hz or more, then 51c idle wouldn't be considered high (at least on a laptop).

Core i series cpus should theorhetically run cooler than say the core 2 series so that temp @ that clock is cause for some concern.

But aside from all that, my friend says your temps are normal for an HP brand. However he says he's positive the fan isn't working properly and your cpu will eventually burn out. He's basing this on the experienced he's gained working on roughly 50 HPs this year.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Ð▪ℳ wrote:
However he says he's positive the fan isn't working properly and your cpu will eventually burn out.

So you're saying, if I replaced the fan, I'd prevent the cpu from burning out.
And other then replacing the fan, is the only alternative a cooling pad?
Posted 12 years ago
CyeCore wrote:
Ð▪ℳ wrote:
However he says he's positive the fan isn't working properly and your cpu will eventually burn out.

So you're saying, if I replaced the fan, I'd prevent the cpu from burning out.
And other then replacing the fan, is the only alternative a cooling pad?

He says HP cpu fans are extremely expensive and it would most likely break again cause HP is known for bad cpu fans. If you bought a new one, he says it might last a year, less if you smoke.

But yeah, that's about all you can do aside from keeping the exhausts clean and un-blocked and then sitting in front of a window during a cold windy night or sitting in front of an air conditioner. That, and not using it for very long at any one time.
Posted 12 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
A laptop fan normally runs $10 - $35

Depends on the model, they can cost up to $400.
Posted 12 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Ð▪ℳ wrote:
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
A laptop fan normally runs $10 - $35

Depends on the model, they can cost up to $400.

For his basic HP laptop?

I'm not sure, I don't know what fan he needs.
Posted 12 years ago · Author

This poorly seems to cost 400 dollars.

The temperatures don't go over 73° anymore, even with lots of programs running at the same time.
I'm more than fine with this, as it got to 105° after about 20 minutes at the same stage earlier.

Thank's anyways though.

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