Test Connection To IMVU Server - [batch]

by Toyz · 10 posts
12 years ago in Batch
Posted 12 years ago · Author
This batch file will tell you how good your connection to the IMVU server is.

@echo off
Title IMVU Mafias IMVU Connection Test (Ping)
::Start Ping
echo Starting Ping
ping -n 10 imvu.com

echo If ping is over 100 average MS you will have lag sorry...

echo Done.
Posted 12 years ago
Why is this in the Unix section? I know Unix can run Shell scripts but isn't the syntax different than batch somewhat?

Also, on a side note, I took the liberty of re writing the script so it outputs to a log file and will continue to use the same file as long as the log file exists. Each time you run the script, it will output to the log file (or create a new one if the old one was deleted) with a date and time stamp above it so you can easily see when each test was run. I also colored the text to match the black and blue theme of the site.

@Echo off
Title IMVU Mafias IMVU Connection Test (Ping)
Color 09
::Start Ping
Echo Starting Ping
Echo Please wait till you see the done message before closing.
::Store the date and time into a variable and display it.
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DATE/T') DO FOR %%B IN (%%A) DO SET Today=%%B
FOR /F %%A IN ('TIME/T') DO SET Now=%%A
Echo ================ >> Results.txt
Echo %Today% %Now% >> Results.txt
Echo ================ >> Results.txt
Ping -n 10 imvu.com >> Results.txt
Echo. >> Results.txt
Echo. >> Results.txt
Echo If ping is over 100 average MS you will have lag sorry... >> Results.txt
Echo. >> Results.txt
Echo Done.
Posted 12 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
I guess I need to make a shell section, don't I?

No, I think shell scripts fit into the Unix section, but I don't think batch scripts do as I thought they were Windows only. I've only ever really written 1 shell script years ago so I don't remember the syntax. I thought it was different though.
Posted 12 years ago
Ð▪ℳ wrote:
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
I guess I need to make a shell section, don't I?

No, I think shell scripts fit into the Unix section, but I don't think batch scripts do as I thought they were Windows only. I've only ever really written 1 shell script years ago so I don't remember the syntax. I thought it was different though.

So, I need to make a batch section?
Posted 5 years ago
well I would lag XD
Posted 5 years ago
Thank you. Good info.

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