Wanna go to the army

Nikky Maxim
by Nikky Maxim · 26 posts
12 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Either way i want to go to the army . So i was just wondering will i have to be with oether males or will be i sent with females?
I would much rather be with females other than with a bunch of males cause ive seen way too much porn to know where that would lead >.> .
No long post , i'm lazy .
Posted 12 years ago
are you crazy?:O
C'mon Nikky!I have no idea how is,but dont go LOL
Posted 12 years ago · Author
I do want to go to the army lol . For some odd reasons i always wanted to go to the army.
Posted 12 years ago
Hmm...I dunno shit about.Maybe the boys.I never felt something like you LOL
Posted 12 years ago · Author
If i end up in a all boys house then i know what will happen . i will need to buy anti-rape condoms >.<
Posted 12 years ago
iron panties :twisted:
Posted 12 years ago
In Indian Army females and males are given different cabins. But, that's in India where virginity is given a lot of importance and where you get your ass kicked for checking others butt out ( Especially in towns like mine). But I dunno in other countries ._.

What happend to the plans of your mexican moving to your place?
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Everything comes in time jon until then i got to get myself occupied somehow . He's going to college this year so yea lol. And the main reason why i wonder is that there aren't a lot of females going to the army in my town and i dont wanna be stuck in a cabin with smelly boys >.< . Even though i enjoy the male smell i just don't want like 30 of them lol. oh boy.
Posted 12 years ago
Jon™ wrote:
In Indian Army females and males are given different cabins. But, that's in India where virginity is given a lot of importance and where you get your ass kicked for checking others butt out ( Especially in towns like mine). But I dunno in other countries ._.

What happend to the plans of your mexican moving to your place?

I am not a big fan of Indian culture, as it is very oppresive to women (or so I was told and seen on the news and all that. Maybe it's different now, idk) but at least over there virginity and faithfulness are qualities you will run into often unlike here. And hopefully rape isn't a big issue there either.

Wish the U.S.A was like that. But I guess here we like to think that if a woman isn't sleeping around then she must be oppressed sexually which is b.s in my opinion. And guys here have no respect. :\

Ontopic: Give it some real thought before you decide, Nikky. It could end up being the end of your life. But if not and you make it through a whole tour and come back in one peice (hopefully rape free) then good for you. :)

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