An Introduction

by liht · 3 posts
12 years ago in Introductions
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Hello, my name is John. A simple name, a name that disappears. I don't really know how to describe my personality but I guess I can say... I'm weird? I like weird things, and weird foods. I laugh at stupid things and make very bad jokes. I love to play games, and I love even more to read. I find writing fascinating, and every now and then I'll pick up sprite art again and try to improve. I have a PS3 so any PS3 owners give a holla. i think that's about it... Oh, I love fried chicken pizza with a tomato hotsauce sauce.

Skills, I can write. Lol, I really don't have any skills except for writing erotica that no normal or sane person would read. I'm trying to learn coding though, but I get distracted very easily. though I do hope to learn coding enough to make a website and other things. Umm, I guess I can say that I'm trusted easily is a skill, I think. Other than that, I guess that's it.

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