Ð▪ℳ wrote:The only thing I can think is maybe a Greasemonkey type script that would over-write IMVU's timer code. Maybe with some research, we could find a variable the timer uses and change that. Or some other method of editing the timer values. I for one, can't access create mode for some reason or another with any of my accounts (mostly cause they are guests. But my main is an ap creator and it is denied) so I can't look into it at this time.
However, since your ip and account name would be logged when using Peer review, I can't help but wonder if it would put your account at risk as I am sure they would notice if you were passing products in mere seconds. Unless maybe you only did a couple per day.
Aye, I'm not sure the promo credits are worth the risk. Nor do I have any idea whether IMVU can even moniter credit flow from PR.
All I'd say is if we ever get it working, set up a proxy and run IMVU on a fresh account with no ties to yourself, try the method and wait 1-2 weeks, monitoring the standing of said account.
And I'm pretty sure IMVU can't acquire the IP of the e-mail you use to sign up, but maybe using a proxy in the e-mail creating process could work.